Oh wow. Seeing "Robbie Parker" smirking and laughing on CNN right before working himself into character for the cameras to announce that his daughter had supposedly been shot to death the day before was my first major redpill moment.
You can find it on CNN's channel on YouTube even. After my mom died 9 years ago, I couldn't even mention her without crying. I cannot imagine that I would be even intelligible if my daughter had been gunned down at school, yet on video you see that guy exiting the building, yucking it up with the other fathers. Then he realizes the cameras are already rolling, so he starts breathing heavily and working himself into character. Not a single tear in his eye. Then there's another supposed father, David Wheeler (listed on the IMDB even) who was also caught in photos posed as an FBI sniper at the scene (unmistakable mole on his cheek), carrying his rifle by the magazine like a bumbling idiot. Gene Rosen kept changing his story every time he was interviewed. If Sandy Hook was real, the people they showed on TV definitely were not. Even the photo of the shooter was obviously Photoshopped.
Fake news is fake.
Oh wow. Seeing "Robbie Parker" smirking and laughing on CNN right before working himself into character for the cameras to announce that his daughter had supposedly been shot to death the day before was my first major redpill moment.
Pickle Town
Man, I've never seen that. That's wicked
See? Freaks and weirdos MOVE to California from other states.
You can find it on CNN's channel on YouTube even. After my mom died 9 years ago, I couldn't even mention her without crying. I cannot imagine that I would be even intelligible if my daughter had been gunned down at school, yet on video you see that guy exiting the building, yucking it up with the other fathers. Then he realizes the cameras are already rolling, so he starts breathing heavily and working himself into character. Not a single tear in his eye. Then there's another supposed father, David Wheeler (listed on the IMDB even) who was also caught in photos posed as an FBI sniper at the scene (unmistakable mole on his cheek), carrying his rifle by the magazine like a bumbling idiot. Gene Rosen kept changing his story every time he was interviewed. If Sandy Hook was real, the people they showed on TV definitely were not. Even the photo of the shooter was obviously Photoshopped. https://wakeup-world.com/2015/12/14/sandy-hoodwinked-33-unanswered-questions-on-the-3rd-anniversary-of-sandy-hook/ Fake news is fake.