Just a reminder, that the CDC admitted only 5.5% of COVID deaths were actually from COVID. Here is the direct source for doubting BlueAnons: "Among 378,048 death certificates from 2020 listing COVID-19, 5.5% listed COVID-19 without codes for any other conditions."
? These people are stupid!

I hate the CDC
The WHO and the United Nations too
Commie bastids
CDC = Center of Delusional Communists.
archive link:
Read the study. Over 90% had chain of event causes of death listed that are consistent with having Covid-19, e.g., pneumonia, respitory failure, etc. There was approximately 50% that had only co-occurring illnesses like diabetes and hypertension that may have made them more susceptible to death by Covid-19 (my supposition, not the studies). I don't think the study proves what your post alleges IMO.
Zero flu deaths - which historically tallied to the same number of deaths now listed for the covid.
well, it could be argued that the flu does the same thing. exacerbates prexisting conditions.
Pneumonia is a bacterial infection that has nothing specifically to do with the coronavirus (or any virus). While a person can be more susceptible during a respiratory illness, it is generally treatable (ivermectin and antibiotics are both viable treatments with increased effectiveness when used together).
You know what's a really poor treatment for pneumonia? A respirator.
If an extra $39,000 was given to hospitals for giving patients proven treatments for pneumonia instead of respirators, I wonder how many of those deaths might have been avoided.
Follow the money on all of this: Government payouts to hospitals, government payouts to so-called "vaccine" manufacturers, government payouts to a shit-ton of people...we pay for all of it since the Government doesn't sell anything to turn a profit.
A neutral analysis would also produce a total of those who had more severe co-morbidities that are clearly not caused by covid. Those that occur as a result of being in a car accident, or being shot for example.
Technically that’s not what that means. Someone may have had asthma and actually died from COVID. But also, heart attack deaths with a positive test would have been counted also. So it is somewhere between 5.5% and 100%. My comment is working from the presumption that COVID is real, which it probably is not. So 0% could be accurate to. TL:DR - actual COVID deaths are somewhere between 0% and 100% of reported COVID deaths.
And don’t forget that the PCR test was never made to detect what they say it detects. The cycles have consistently been run higher than recommended to produce false positives. How many COVID “positive” people weren’t sick or carrying anything dangerous at all??
And THEN add on top of that the hospitals and drs are being financially incentivized to code FOR covid. They get even more ($25k plus?) if they can get you on a ventilator!
Kary Mullis - Covid PCR test inventor - Not Meant To Be Used For Infectious Diseases 1min 42sec https://www.bitchute.com/video/wOSeTz57xrCF/
I think there is a real Chinese bio-weapon virus that is the real COVID, but it's not as contagious as [they] wanted it to be, and then there are flu's which are being deceptively or mistakenly labelled as COVID, making COVID appear more widespread than it really is. There is a reason why [they] keep trying to shift the blame away from the Wuhan virus lab and deep-state involvement with said lab.
Covid is real, it's just a bad cold. We get bad colds regularly. Many just call it a flu.
This information needs to be compared to previous years (pre-Covid) data and using influenza data with co-occuring conditions to see if there are similarities. I would think that the results (on a percentage basis) would be very similar.
I believe that the majority of the 5.5% listed without any other conditions, if explored further, will show that searches for pre-existing conditions were not conducted.
Additionally everyone should explore the CDC guidelines on completing a "Death Certificate". What I found the most interesting was that the coroner/physician does not have to test the deceased for Covid, but if they reasonably suspect that the individual had Covid they could list that on the certificate. It also allows, for example, someone that has died of injuries from a car accident that was positive with Covid, to report Covid as a contributing factor on the certificate. The guidelines are listed on their site for all to see.
They changed the rules on this early on. I knew this was a bunch of BS when the rules were changed to "well, if we SUSPECT that there's COVID, then they died of COVID" even though it was a random shooting or a car accident or a slip-and-fall.
Remember last year when all the doctors were talking about how weird it was they were given directions on coding deaths?
I remember.
It was around the same time they told us in very clear terms they were counting everything they could as covid
Still waiting for the CDC to admit they violated several federal laws in pulling these evil shenanigans with the numbers.
Even when presented with the truth, most (Blue Pilled Normies) will choose to cling to the lie they fell for. To do otherwise would be an admission of their error and gullibility. An admission that they are not as smart as they think they are. This is simply beyond their capabilities. That is what makes them stupid, and you cannot fix that.
Just to play "devil's advocate", there needs to be a comparison of this type of data for 2020, with 2019, or any other year where regular flu was the cause of death for tens of thousands.