US Army Corps of Engineers to restart work on border wall https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1392653517450616832
Colonial pipeline back online, so now what’s the excuse for widespread gasoline shortage? https://www.foxbusiness.com/energy/colonial-pipeline-back-online-energy-secretary-says
Liz Cheney ousted from leadership role in Congress https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-liz-cheney-voted-out-of-leadership-role-by-house-gop
Ellen’s show is done https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9570853/Ellen-DeGeneres-END-talk-19-seasons.html
Arizona Senate turns up the heat on Maricopa County Board of Supervisors for long list of actions clearly intended to cover-up election fraud https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/20706832-5-12-21-letter-to-maricopa-county-board-1 and https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/breaking-maricopa-county-elections-officials-deleted-entire-database-voting-machines-including-election-information-main-database/
Gov. DeSantis grants clemency to business owners arrested for not enforcing masks https://www.foxnews.com/media/gov-desantis-grants-clemency-to-business-owners-arrested-for-not-enforcing-masks
Biden says he’s “not supposed to” take questions, and “I’m supposed to leave” … Psaki had said last week that Biden answering questions is “not something we recommend” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-not-supposed-answering-questions
Biden actually says women can’t go back to work “because all the daycare centers are closed” https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/05/12/biden-women-cant-go-back-to-work-because-all-the-daycare-centers-are-closed/
Biden can’t remember Kevin McCarthy’s name just moments after meeting with him face to face https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/joe-biden-forgets-kevin-mccarthys-name-shortly-speaking-face-face-solid-meeting-uh-uh-uh-video/
Sen. Manchin reiterates his position against getting rid of filibuster and his opposition to Dems’ election overhaul bill https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/05/12/joe-manchin-reiterates-opposition-annulling-filibuster-federalizing-elections-after-meeting-president/
Woke NBA’s ratings just keep going down https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/get-woke-go-broke-nba-ratings-plunge-13-last-years-disastrous-season/
Famous actor in India, as health ambassador, has vaccine live to show how safe it is … dies two days later of a heart attack (note the many times the deaths are “two days later”) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/indian-health-ambassador-gets-covid-vaccine-live-tv-show-everyone-safe-dies-2-days-later/
See you tomorrow.
I was there recently and I was shocked at all the mask usage and all the signs still encouraging/requiring masks. I went into a restaurant, and while no one said anything, I did manage to catch a family of six all wearing until their food arrived at their table. I tried to snap a photo of them, but my wife discouraged me from doing so. It's truly insane to think that you're being safe by wearing a mask while sitting at a table, but somehow a virus makes exceptions for when you're eating. Or like my nephew's school, which doesn't meet on Fridays now for some stupid reason. I didn't realize the virus only spread on Fridays.
sanity is not their strong suit