I mean, it kills hundreds of thousands of people every year. What am I missing?
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Do a magnet test over their jab site. I'd like to know if it sticks. That maybe a start.
My coworker got the Pfizer jab. Asked her to try the magnet test while I watched. The magnet didn't stick.
I am sure they won't give whatever that thing is to everyone. This is all a test right now.
The 4 magnet videos were interesting, obviously like most of us I looked for signs of fakery.
The only thing that stood out to me was the short length of videos.
And the fact that all four videos seemed to be using the same small round silver magnet.
We’re there ANY follow up videos to these posts?
I would have posted more than a 30 second clip on YouTube.
I would have tried NUMEROUS magnets and the only magnets I would have had on hand would have been crummy refrigerator magnets with little decorations n shit on them.
Why was there no follow up videos with numerous abs various types of magnets being tested?