It took the English about 800-1,000 years to take over Ireland. That's because the Irish lived in local communities with local government (such as it was) with no central government.
There was no "White House" or "Congress" to take over and rule over all. They had to go village by village, and by the time they got through part of it, the previous conquests were rising up against them, and they had to do it all over again.
It took the English about 800-1,000 years to take over Ireland. That's because the Irish lived in local communities with local government (such as it was) with no central government.
There was no "White House" or "Congress" to take over and rule over all. They had to go village by village, and by the time they got through part of it, the previous conquests were rising up against them, and they had to do it all over again.
Great lesson that local govenment is best.
I will take Eire by Hook or by Crook. - Cromwell.
And yes, local gummint is best.
I was re-reading your post, and thought you would like something that swirls in my head, on this topic.
"That which governs best, governs least." - Thoreau
And so say all of us.