As l I'm ng as cum-o didnt make you feel uncomfortable when he worked in "my big sausage will fill you up all weekend long" as he enquired to female employees about how was their weekend .
Wait a min.......making them FEEL uncomfortable is not his problem!
Atleast his sexual predator actions have distracted from his genocide of the elderly.
George floyd. That fat girl that almost stabbed that other girl. Stacey Abrams.
Theyd pick benedict arnold
Coumo, Fauci, RBG...
Kinda feels like we lucked out, huh?
You're missing the obvious.
A giant golden statue to Lucifer that a can see. And be forces to worship at a specific sound. And those who do not bow will be cast into an inferno
Oh wait, my bad; that's from the Book of Daniel ... or will it be the future also?
Let's see how this post ages :)
Got here before me. DITTO. ??
As l I'm ng as cum-o didnt make you feel uncomfortable when he worked in "my big sausage will fill you up all weekend long" as he enquired to female employees about how was their weekend . Wait a min.......making them FEEL uncomfortable is not his problem! Atleast his sexual predator actions have distracted from his genocide of the elderly.
Going old school, the guys who hit Reginald Denny with the bricks.
And the 500 lb illegals.