Live in SE Wisconsin (hey, at least it's not Illinois) and Fleet Farm has always been 30% or so unmasked and the unmasked number has steadily been increasing. The grocery stores have been almost 100% masked, today I ran in for a quick item and almost 40% were unmasked.
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Went to Home Depot the other day in SE WI and a guy and his wife were pausing by the door to put their masks on. As I was walking past them I said, knock off that mask shit. They both smiled and put their masks in their pockets as they followed me in. Only takes a little nudge to snap them put of it.
Iowa here, went for our monthly supply run and hardly a mask in Ankiny. People tired of the bs and are quitting as fast as they feel they can get away with it.
Side note most of the masked I did see were women and the kids with them.
Where I am, the mandates are gone, stores don't request or require masks, but I still see 90% of the people wearing them and 9% of the ones who aren't wearing them are white. Though, many who wear them still wear them improperly.
NYS is full of idiots. So disappointing.
It's full of patriots too! Go for a drive off the beaten path and you'll find them.
Have faith. ??
I know. But it's disheartening there's very few seen in public.
I used to feel the same way, now I think it's just because "public" has nothing much left to offer... going to the movies or dinner is not worth it when I can hangout with friends and family and know exactly what I'm getting. Learn to cook, build a home theatre... I mourn nothing.
True. Good points. I do like to cook :). And im not a movie goer so much anymore.. crowds are definitely not for me.
I guess it's just sad to see there are so many foolish people
We went out to eat this weekend and majority of the staff wasn't even wearing wearing masks. Sadly, I wonder if it's because the ones without masks are vaccinated.
You mean Chicago? Illinois is based, just look at the election map, most of Illinois is red except for Crook County (Chicago). Springfield, I believe, is also blue.
Apologies, I'm guilt of painting all of them with the same brush. I agree that Chicago is one of the filthiest cesspools in the country.
Yeah, and that's thanks to Rahm and Auntie Beetlejuice for making Chicago worse than it was before they shat all over Chicago.
I love Chicago cuz I'm from Illinois but yeah it's a cesspool right now and I'm embarrassed.
Went to both Home Depot and Lowes in PA and finally a bunch of other people were unmasked other than just me.
I went to pick up Mexican food today. It’s hilarious. The little bar is always packed. Everyone enjoying cervezas with no masks. People eating, no masks. Besides me and my son everyone in line to order is masked. It’s been like this for a while. They’ve never asked me to put on a mask.
Went into a Walgreens in Chicago suburb without a mask. Clerk didn't say a word. It was liberating.
I live in commiefornia.. feels like nothing has changed