California Leftists Try to Cancel Math Class
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Math is the great equalizer.
Democrats don't want people being "equal" though.
FULL TEXT: Oakland, Calif. If California education officials have their way, generations of students may not know how to calculate an apartment’s square footage or the area of a farm field, but the “mathematics” of political agitation and organizing will be second nature to them. Encouraging those gifted in math to shine will be a distant memory.
This will be the result if a proposed mathematics curriculum framework, which would guide K-12 instruction in the Golden State’s public schools, is approved by California’s Instructional Quality Commission in meetings this week and in August and ratified by the state board of education later this year.
The framework recommends eight times that teachers use a troubling document, “A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction: Dismantling Racism in Mathematics Instruction.” This manual claims that teachers addressing students’ mistakes forthrightly is a form of white supremacy. It sets forth indicators of “white supremacy culture in the mathematics classroom,” including a focus on “getting the right answer,” teaching math in a “linear fashion,” requiring students to “show their work” and grading them on demonstrated knowledge of the subject matter. “The concept of mathematics being purely objective is unequivocally false,” the manual explains. “Upholding the idea that there are always right and wrong answers perpetuates ‘objectivity.’ ” Apparently, that’s also racist.
The framework itself rejects preparing students to take Algebra I in eighth grade, a goal reformers have sought since the 1990s. Students in Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan master introductory algebra in eighth grade or even earlier.
At one time, California took the goal seriously and made immense progress. California Department of Education data show that while only 16% of students took algebra by eighth grade in 1999, by 2013, 67%—four times as many—were doing so. Success rates, meaning the percentage of students scoring “proficient” or above, kept rising even as enrollment increased dramatically.
The biggest beneficiaries were ethnic minority and low-income students. While student success tripled overall, African-American students’ success rate jumped by a factor of five, and Latinos’ and low-income students’ by a factor of six.
Many highly selective colleges expect students to take calculus in high school. To get to calculus by senior year, students have to proceed on a pathway of advanced courses. The framework condemns this as a “rush to calculus” and indicates that California schools won’t provide such a pathway. California high-school grads may be put at a disadvantage in applying to top colleges.
The framework explicitly rejects “ideas of natural gifts and talents.” That some are gifted in math implies some others aren’t, and this is “inequitable.” The framework’s authors also fear that those designated “gifted” may have their fragile egos hurt if they later lose that designation. So it writes an obituary for gifted-and-talented programs, which would hobble the rise of many talented children in California.
The framework rejects ability grouping, also called tracking, even though studies show that students do better when grouped with others who are progressing in their studies at the same pace. We have known for years, including from a 2009 Fordham Institute study of Massachusetts middle schools, that schools with more tracks have significantly more math students at advanced levels and fewer failing students.
The proposal’s agenda becomes clear when it says math should be taught so it can be used for “social justice.” It extols a fictional teacher who uses class to develop her students’ “sociopolitical consciousness.” Math, it says, is a tool to “change the world.” Teachers are supposed to adopt a “culturally relevant pedagogy,” which includes “the ability to identify, analyze and solve real-world problems, especially those that result in societal inequalities.”
Under this pedagogy, “students must develop a critical consciousness through which they challenge the status quo of the current social order.” Don’t think that kindergarten is too early for such indoctrination: “Teachers can take a justice-oriented perspective at any grade level, K-12,” the curriculum revisionists write. Students could be taught fractions in the distracting process of learning the math of organizing a protest march.
This program is quite a comedown for math, from an objective academic discipline to a tool for political activism. Society will be harmed: With fewer people who know math well, how are we going to build bridges, launch rockets or advance technologically? Students will pay the heaviest price—and not only in California. As we’ve seen before, what starts in California doesn’t stop here.
My advice to California’s Instructional Quality Commission, when it meets on Wednesday and Thursday to evaluate public comments on the curriculum framework, is to scrap the document and return to the 1997 math content standards and associated framework. Written largely by professors in Stanford’s math department, it resulted in the aforementioned stupendous statewide gains in algebra attainment. Teach math, not propaganda.
Mr. Evers is a senior fellow and director of the Center on Educational Excellence at the Independent Institute. He was U.S. assistant secretary of education for planning, evaluation, and policy development from 2007-09.
As a California resident this is just another one of the state’s newest insane policies. What I find ironic is that they rail against acknowledging that people have different talents and natural abilities in math because apparently that is “inequitable”, but they won’t say a word about the fact that certain minority groups tend to perform better at certain sports and are over represented as professional athletes. Based on their logic, that is also “inequitable” and the major sports leagues should lower their standards to allow uncoordinated people like me a chance.
A little history on this: In the 90’s, the Education cabal started to bring back the failed Fuzzy Math garbage that ruined thousands of kids in the 60’s. But California had a large group of very wealthy, highly intelligent people (engineers, etc) who had families and understood how destructive these alternative math curricula were. They saw their kids not having the math skills that students from other countries were getting and our kids were getting beat out of the universities because they were failing math. This was called the Math Wars.
These parents and good math professors pushed through world class math standards for the state of California and literally banned these horrible math text books. Now most kids are fine, but the kids coming up from South America (illegals) could not keep up with these levels. About this time, NCLB came through and began to separate test scores by gender and race. The data began to show that these Hispanic kids were not making it, so the “obvious” conclusion (eye roll) was that the math and teachers were racist.
Math teachers, who were having to bring these new kids up to speed so that they could pass the tests, began to get mad. The fuzzy math curricula was much more entertaining and went at a much slower pace so everyone would be on the same level at all times. (The way they write the curriculum, kids are not able to learn at home or on their own, since they don’t use traditional/standard methods for solving problems. For example, just look up how long it takes a teacher to show you how to multiply two 3-digit numbers.... it takes forever. And they no longer even teach long division.)
Furthermore, they cannot have two types of classes—one for fuzzy math and one for traditional math—because that would reveal a massive difference in test scores and no one would want to be in the fuzzy math classes. So, true to the nature of Leftists—they had to demonize and demoralize and demean white and Asian kids, especially boys, by ruining a subject that they often love by making it all word problems and dumbing it down to the slowest person in the classroom.
So, the real answer is actually simple—allow students to learn mathematics systematically and at their own pace. Develop curriculum that teaches standard problem solving methods and allows the kids to read the lessons, figure it out (or watch a video to explain), so they can do it themselves. This frees up the teacher to be available to help the students that need extra help. Testing would be based on how far each student progressed that year. And as an added bonus, the kids learn how to read ahead and be free to excel—good skills to have in life.
So NCLB was put in place by Bush as a ticking time bomb to slowly destroy our schools and a generation of kids. The scale of evil keeps baffling me. (I was in college at the time, so didn't really pay much attention to specifics of NCLB - but had a feeling it probably wasn't good).
I had the same reaction. Good luck CA.
Also objectivity is racist lol.