Under the great reset you will have no control of your water usage or whats added to it. Even collection of rain water will be controlled. NZ claims to be 100% pure but we are constantly aerial dressed with 1080 poison which is getting into our water and making hunting an issue. We have Chinese companies here taking millions of litres of water for free - bottling it and selling it back to us. Yes watch the water alright.
Over 2/3 of the surface of the earth is covered in water. Yet millions can't get clean drinking water, and the UN fears a coming water "crisis."
Meanwhile, the richest, most powerful, and well connected people in the world sing virtuous praises to each other, and award each other with Nobel Prizes, and other trite platitudes in adoration of the wonderful world "they created."
One can survive 3 days without water. I suggest having a short, medium, and long term water plan. Mulitple forms of collection, storage, and filtration w/ redundancy. One can live 3 days without water.
Under the great reset you will have no control of your water usage or whats added to it. Even collection of rain water will be controlled. NZ claims to be 100% pure but we are constantly aerial dressed with 1080 poison which is getting into our water and making hunting an issue. We have Chinese companies here taking millions of litres of water for free - bottling it and selling it back to us. Yes watch the water alright.
Is climate change over already?
I’m waiting for the day when these assholes can’t walk down the street.
Let's go to war against California!
They're stealing OUR water!
Over 2/3 of the surface of the earth is covered in water. Yet millions can't get clean drinking water, and the UN fears a coming water "crisis."
Meanwhile, the richest, most powerful, and well connected people in the world sing virtuous praises to each other, and award each other with Nobel Prizes, and other trite platitudes in adoration of the wonderful world "they created."
Oh wait, just another reason for depopulation.
Yeah watch the water
I don't buy it. Any country wealthy enough to wage war is wealthy enough to build a desalination infrastructure.
One can survive 3 days without water. I suggest having a short, medium, and long term water plan. Mulitple forms of collection, storage, and filtration w/ redundancy. One can live 3 days without water.
Water falls from the sky. Collect it. Bam. No problem.
From the sky, in the ground. We're pretty much surrounded. If there's ever a 'shortage' of system water, we'll pretty much know it's engineered.
We'll fucking see about that.
Tell him that I heard he can drink piss!