Umm pretty sure its
Analyze results
If hypothesis true: Check to make sure your funders approve of it.
If hypothesis is false: Don't change the hypothesis fuck with and rerun the study until it matches what your funders say "should" be the result
Then coordinate with the technoligarchy and MSM.
Then report results while making sure to censor and berate anyone who disagrees.
Yes! My favorite argument I have heard when I have accidently argued with a mongoloid on fakebook: "I'll trust the CDC over your "Science"'.........................
It's pretty weird to consider that the '60s ushered in a wide distrust of "the establishment", and now, we have at least a full generation of people who virtually worship "the establishment".
At the bottom should be replicate results. We need a lot more of that.
That can’t be right .. went over that a few times.. where’s CNN and MSNBC appear on that page.. You silly conservatives ???
Umm pretty sure its Analyze results If hypothesis true: Check to make sure your funders approve of it. If hypothesis is false: Don't change the hypothesis fuck with and rerun the study until it matches what your funders say "should" be the result Then coordinate with the technoligarchy and MSM. Then report results while making sure to censor and berate anyone who disagrees.
the new religion, scienceism.
Look for the "amazing polly" breakdown on the report saying anti-maskers are actually good at science.
These people are PISSED that we DARE look at their HOLY DATA and come up with our interpretation.
This is like a religion to them. They are the high priests and only THEY can scour the holy tomes of data and come to conclusions.
VERY worth the watch.
Yes! My favorite argument I have heard when I have accidently argued with a mongoloid on fakebook: "I'll trust the CDC over your "Science"'.........................
It's pretty weird to consider that the '60s ushered in a wide distrust of "the establishment", and now, we have at least a full generation of people who virtually worship "the establishment".
Oh yah, that was cool. Now I'm an old fuddy duddy, with my book learning, and reading. Sheesh.
Woah woah woah what are you doing asking questions?
Don’t you know that’s not allowed? Quit being such a conspiracy theorist