I want off this planet. I want to be seperated fron the Dummies. I can't take the mass stupidity anymore. I used to love Sci Fi movies, but living in one is a fricken nightmare.
I can't understand the people who are rushing to get the Vax. I used to think I was of average intelligence, but I gotta tell you, these buffoons make me feel like a genius. Or maybe it's just that I have complete faith in God and they have none. It's sad. But their lack of faith is destroying the planet, which is infuriating.
Ok just needed to rant, sorry.
I have been surprised how many healthy people are truly afraid of COVID and think it’s a death sentence
I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm beginning to question the existence of COVID-19 because nobody has taken a photograph of the pathogen yet. They got special microscopes that except cameras being plugged into them.
It’s real. I’ve dealt with lung disease all my life and got the coof. My entire family got it within 3 weeks. It’s different than the flu in specific ways. Oxygen levels don’t fluctuate with the flu as with COVID. It’s not fun but it’s also not a death sentence. It’s like the flu with more shortness of breath and less muscle aches. The tragedy of COVID is they’re not treating anyone early. I’m at risk and had to manage it with ibuprofen.
I got it too in March 2020.
I was ill for days and had very reduced lung capacity for 6 months. It really made me ill. but I still won't take a vax because I know it's just extra risk and made by nefarious people with a depopulation agenda.
How people can't separate the two risks I don't know. Programming I suppose.