The seal was removed way back last year. I'm not sure if it was replaced and then taken off again when Philip died but it was certainly removed last year. I dont think the Queen has ever been back to Buckingham since covid started -neither has her double ?
Seal was prince Philip's, who died, so makes some sense. The pattern (3 = pattern to me) is a conundrum though.
Seal was removed before he died though in June 2020.
Okay now that i cannot explain...
Because he died in June 2020 and was put on ice. Likewise the queen has been replaced by a body-double. That's why Trump walked in front of her.
Walked in front of her?
Look for John the 3rd to perhaps show up, after all, I haven't heard much about him in a couple years..
The seal was removed way back last year. I'm not sure if it was replaced and then taken off again when Philip died but it was certainly removed last year. I dont think the Queen has ever been back to Buckingham since covid started -neither has her double ?