I can't even watch TV anymore with out realising even the commercials Have liberal views, and an agenda. Has anybody seen the WWE commercial saying we are all just one people. You would have never seen a commercial like that during the Trump administrator. All they wanted to do was divide us.
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And the left commercials promoting Vaccines without even talking about the side effects...
Narrative. Turn it off. Find a hobby. Don't let it get you down. Remember. NCSWIC.
Ironically "we are all just one people" by itself is not a woke statement but they do their damnedest to ruin in that.
Cut the cord. I havent had cable for 6 years. Only watch it to remember how insane it all is. Just a constant mire of fear. Telling you how to think and what to keep your attention on. Think of how insanely addicting video games are. Its a little far fetched but its all a ruse to soak up your critical thinking/creativity so you dont bother with helping yourself. Im also projecting too since I dont enjoy video games as much as I used to. Just stay focused on the audits.
You would have never seen that shit when I was a kid either. Even in the late-90's when my favorite time in wrestling was Stone Cold vs. Undertaker, they would have never debased themselves in that fashion.
TV is dead to me- everything that comes on now has a satanic / paedo sign on it and the famous people are all freemasons. I only watch the News again (which I never thought possible) when I realised the bastards were using comms in it.
TV is the biggest waste of one of the greatest technological inventions in human history. Especially TV commercials.
And the government is responsible for it because they made it illegal for everyone to use our broadcast airwaves, except for the corporations that bribed the govt. into granting them exclusive immunity from the broadcasting prohibition laws.
I have seen an Adidas commercial portraying Beyonce's overcoming adversity through her well-to-do and wanting-for-nothing childhood. She persisted. Ugh.
No tv master race checking in.
I hate tv.
Then the dumbass Sam Adams ad on jabs, been seeing alot more stupid ass "woke" ads lately.
WWE has lost all value to me. They just want vanilla script readers anymore.
Turn it off. All of it.
me no watch one eyed mind sucker
Are you a wwe fan? Go torrent Raw/Smackdown, and PPV's from 1998-2001. Best shit ever. Some of the WWF torrents don't have the commercials cut out, and you can see the difference in commercials Pre 9/11 and how much better shit was.
No I actually don't even watch any TV I was watching a movie on peacock streaming service and they throw commercials in. That's why I had no idea even the commercials on TV were doing that I haven't watched any TV since about 2 weeks after the election
i would have had to end that statement at the anymore point ... used to enjoy it and now it almost nauseates me ..after this is all over im gonna have to find another hobby lol !