I remembered when he died. I didn't follow the news much but remember hearing it in the radio. Something never sat right with me. I also remember the media giving him a bad light talking about potential pedophilia with his never ever land park think. Other than that though never really followed much about his story.
I remember with what was main stream about his death was a drug overdose. Some little voice inside my head kept telling me it was poison. Also it was the same little voice that woke me up. I also have tried numerous times to be diagnosed with a mental condition and somehow I always leave the offices with a very confused looking psychologist or doctor and them terminating my sessions. The only diagnosis they ever give me is stress reaction...
there used to be videos outlining a MJ being Dave Dave conspiracy then Kobe talked about there being people living in North Korea that the world thinks are dead hinting at MJ. That was one of kobes last interviews, all of which have been scrubbed. You can find the interview of kobe but that part is edited out.
Do you think MJ went to heaven?
Of course he did. He was not corrupted. He was murdered to stop what he could reveal. Just my opinion.
I remembered when he died. I didn't follow the news much but remember hearing it in the radio. Something never sat right with me. I also remember the media giving him a bad light talking about potential pedophilia with his never ever land park think. Other than that though never really followed much about his story.
I remember with what was main stream about his death was a drug overdose. Some little voice inside my head kept telling me it was poison. Also it was the same little voice that woke me up. I also have tried numerous times to be diagnosed with a mental condition and somehow I always leave the offices with a very confused looking psychologist or doctor and them terminating my sessions. The only diagnosis they ever give me is stress reaction...
projection 101
there used to be videos outlining a MJ being Dave Dave conspiracy then Kobe talked about there being people living in North Korea that the world thinks are dead hinting at MJ. That was one of kobes last interviews, all of which have been scrubbed. You can find the interview of kobe but that part is edited out.
MJ is either in Heaven or actually alive
I’d love it if he was alive , he deserves all the love he tried to give the world !
Yes, it breaks my heart how they viciously destroyed him and than murdered him .. he knew the truth or enough of it !
razorfist has done more than one video tearing apart the accusations.