Because they are playing into the black community as if they care. They have created a system/culture where businesses/schools etc.. all have to hire "people of color" and not the best fit for the job. It makes me fucking sick.
Does anyone bitch and cry about the NFL and NBA being 95% black athletes? NO we don't because the best players make the fucking team. But in the MLB and NHL they are pushing the "Not enough black athletes" card. You just can't make this shit up. My bro got denied at his local college with a 4.3 gpa and athlete because he was white. They won't say it but it's true.
Hispanics flooding CA, AZ, TX etc... most have zero respect or inner love for this country or our culture. European countries "predominantly white Christian/Catholic nations" are being flooded with Muslim/Arab "migrants." All done on purpose.
Imagine a world where Arab/Muslim refugees travel through other majority Arab/Muslim nations only to then settle in a place like England, Ireland, Germany, France, Sweden, Spain.... It makes absolutely no fucking sense and it bothers me that the people of these countries allowed this to happen. Most common baby name in fucking London is Muhammed ffs. And on top of this all why would Muslim "migrants" want to enter a Christian/Catholic nation? FUCKKKKK. Sorry end rant.
It bothers me that they are lowering scores for admission to medical schools, universities, etc. for Blacks and Latins. Do you really want a doctor who became one because scores were lowered for his race?
It also bothers me that they have lower criteria for women entering firefighting, police recruits, etc. Women simply do not have the strength men do. If they can pass the real requirements, they won't need allowances. What about their co-workers? Can they carry a fallen man out of a burning building? Away from gunshots?
Same reason every single show, movie, commercial, etc has gay, transgender, fluid or wtf else they have represented, to make it look like their numbers are bigger than they actually are. That way the left can say they're being marginalized and not fairly represented.
Also why is it so many of the reporters or hosts of News are black? They only make up 13% of America.
Because they are playing into the black community as if they care. They have created a system/culture where businesses/schools etc.. all have to hire "people of color" and not the best fit for the job. It makes me fucking sick.
Does anyone bitch and cry about the NFL and NBA being 95% black athletes? NO we don't because the best players make the fucking team. But in the MLB and NHL they are pushing the "Not enough black athletes" card. You just can't make this shit up. My bro got denied at his local college with a 4.3 gpa and athlete because he was white. They won't say it but it's true.
Hispanics flooding CA, AZ, TX etc... most have zero respect or inner love for this country or our culture. European countries "predominantly white Christian/Catholic nations" are being flooded with Muslim/Arab "migrants." All done on purpose.
Imagine a world where Arab/Muslim refugees travel through other majority Arab/Muslim nations only to then settle in a place like England, Ireland, Germany, France, Sweden, Spain.... It makes absolutely no fucking sense and it bothers me that the people of these countries allowed this to happen. Most common baby name in fucking London is Muhammed ffs. And on top of this all why would Muslim "migrants" want to enter a Christian/Catholic nation? FUCKKKKK. Sorry end rant.
It makes perfect sense. It is all designed to destroy western civilization. But you already knew that. Enjoy the movie.
Good rant. I agree.
It bothers me that they are lowering scores for admission to medical schools, universities, etc. for Blacks and Latins. Do you really want a doctor who became one because scores were lowered for his race?
It also bothers me that they have lower criteria for women entering firefighting, police recruits, etc. Women simply do not have the strength men do. If they can pass the real requirements, they won't need allowances. What about their co-workers? Can they carry a fallen man out of a burning building? Away from gunshots?
Same reason every single show, movie, commercial, etc has gay, transgender, fluid or wtf else they have represented, to make it look like their numbers are bigger than they actually are. That way the left can say they're being marginalized and not fairly represented.