I feel like something is definetly going on behind the scenes. In my industry we are experiencing big supply chain problems. Certain plastic fittings and pipe are hard to obtain. MAP gas for our torches is completely gone, all of a sudden the canisters have become unavailable. Backflow preventors (brass devices) are suddenly unavailable as of this week.
My theory is either A. The Xiden administration is engineering a collapse B. Military is taking over supply chains C. Alot of this stuff comes from China and they are cutting us out.
How about D - this is part of an effort to do what Peter Navarro has been pushing, decoupling from China. Short term it might be frustrating, but long term it is absolutely necessary.
We were already mostly uncoupled from China before Biden took office. Which is one reason why COVID came out when it did.
I made a thread yesterday about shortages. Weird shit is going on. There was a random video of someone saying that farmers are being paid more to destroy their crops than sell them.
Here's the thread I started:
Funny ... was talking about that post just today!
I also work in supply chain. Things are definitely fucky. I’m simply using this to inform a few personal choices: bought a bread machine, keeping my family food supplies from going low. I expect the end result of all this to be amazing, beautiful, a new world. I’m simply preparing a bit to care fir those within my ability driving the birth pangs. No fear, just informed preparedness, and excited to serve others who did not see this coming. They will need a calm person around.
I've noticed the pet food shortage for a few months now on Chewy. My preferred brands are often out-of-stock for weeks at a time, and then when they finally do have stock, Chewy puts a two case limit on them.
Chicken wings isn't that surprising on a holiday weekend with less people buying into the FUD like last year.
There’s something going on. There is no shortage of lumber, yet, the price increase is ridiculous.
You know what's crazy? Got a buddy who's worked at Amazon for years. Talking full time blue badge. He said he's probably gonna get fired because his diversity hire manager hates him for talking back since she's a fucking idiot. They literally gave him a $5 raise to stay. How many companies have the ability to dangle 33% raises in front of their disgruntled employees?
I'd add a dash of white hats to this mix, as well. You have to show the public, not tell them. Let them see what the result is of shipping all of your industries overseas to China. People need to feel the pinch to finally understand.
I just drove across a farm state, from what I could estimate, about 90% are not planting crops
Might depend on what farm state you drove through. In Iowa, crops are planted, but not germinating due to lack of rain.
Nebraska, they've gotten lots of rain. I traveled in a triangle about 1/5th of the state, confirmed w/ a local person the gov't subsides are stopped for planting, and bigger gov't payout (he said 150%) for not planting.
Michigan we are fully planted looks like
My local Walmart is putting food boxes in the aisles to take up space. Using a careful eye I'm seeing tricks to hide empty shelves. Its everywhere and not just in the big stores.
Same in every industry man. Labor shortages are killing us - and all of our suppliers who can't get us product.
I didn't think of the labor shortage, that's probably a big factor.
Little more prosaic than that....these are the effects of the worldwide lockdowns on supply, after the inventory on hand is exhausted, and as building picks back up. Buckle up, cause it's gonna get a whole lot worse before it gets better. Prices are changing faster than they can be posted. (The painful part of supply and demand is about to begin.)
If the military was taking over the supply chains, you'd see a marked improvement and not massive shortages and delays. Aside from the tech we use and the training we receive in the military, the military EXCELS at logistics.
This is being engineered by [them] because it's the only way to crash our economy after DJT overhauled what little he could with the limited time he had.
unless they are stashing resources. but yeah, probably time for the great reset!
For the record, I think it's the defense production act that Potus enacted. Military is controlling resources at this point.
We got a quote for a patio cover for the RV side of our house, and the guy said his material costs have gone up over 40% since the beginning of the year. We know what some of our neighbors paid for their patio covers and his quote was WAY over theirs. We plan on getting more quotes but at these prices, we will definitely be holding off.
Some fucktards are driving a shortage of critical items. FWR. Think Big Pharma and MFG also food supply and anything we are dependent on CCP for. Wean yourself