Lock Inslee in the space needle, no public access, no in/no out. He gets to pay imperator and look down upon his tribe.
For everyone else, it would be a living lesson. All children will learn of the injustice this living man has done to the State.
Newsom’s new compound will be 3x3 acre grid, fenced in, no access in/out. Forest rangers and firefighters who have lost their own to uncontrollable forest fires due to his bs global warming, will now use this 3x3 grid as a fire simulator.
Newsom will be the ultimate forest manager.
Every night a masked vigilante will walk through the streets of Portland, cleaning up filth, scrubbing walls, handing out anti-Antifa pamphlets. When the night is done, this person will walk back to the blacked out security van... get in, and be transported to the local police precinct to stand watch for the long night holding up a sign “Refund the Police - Brown”
Lock Inslee in the space needle, no public access, no in/no out. He gets to pay imperator and look down upon his tribe.
For everyone else, it would be a living lesson. All children will learn of the injustice this living man has done to the State.
Newsom’s new compound will be 3x3 acre grid, fenced in, no access in/out. Forest rangers and firefighters who have lost their own to uncontrollable forest fires due to his bs global warming, will now use this 3x3 grid as a fire simulator.
Newsom will be the ultimate forest manager.
Every night a masked vigilante will walk through the streets of Portland, cleaning up filth, scrubbing walls, handing out anti-Antifa pamphlets. When the night is done, this person will walk back to the blacked out security van... get in, and be transported to the local police precinct to stand watch for the long night holding up a sign “Refund the Police - Brown”
She would get fired for telling people to hold their signs correctly, while her sign is laying on the ground, in a puddle of bum piss.....