He was elected President in 2020 and should serve the rest of his term. Then he should be awarded the presidency in 2024 as reparations for the democrats fraud.
Then tell Trump to stop saying it. He again remarked this week that he's far and away the frontrunner for the GOP primary in 2024. And he said on Maria's show recently he is "100%" planning on running in 2024
Disinformation? Misdirection? Or, Trump in office until 2029?
would be funny if trump argues he didn't get a proper term so he gets to run again in 2024 after being rightfully installed soon since he won 2020 election
Agree 100% will not settle for less!
And it will be. It will be.
Without doubt. One way or another.
He was elected President in 2020 and should serve the rest of his term. Then he should be awarded the presidency in 2024 as reparations for the democrats fraud.
Then tell Trump to stop saying it. He again remarked this week that he's far and away the frontrunner for the GOP primary in 2024. And he said on Maria's show recently he is "100%" planning on running in 2024
Disinformation? Misdirection? Or, Trump in office until 2029?
After this shitshow is done and he has been restored to the office, of course he will be a shoein for 2024.. It is all starting to take shape NOW..
Did you miss the video going around last week where he EXPLICITLY says something has to be done BEFORE 2022 (i.e. this year)
No I saw it
He's giving mixed messages intentionally
Please GEOTUS, don't advocate vaccines at upcoming rallies.
Anyone else bothered that the stars aren't in the upper left corner?
would be funny if trump argues he didn't get a proper term so he gets to run again in 2024 after being rightfully installed soon since he won 2020 election
Yes! There IS no America if we don't fix 2020!
Stand on this hill President Trump and we will stand with you. o7
Yes! Absolutely! I totally agree.
I’ve dropped blood on soil outside of this country, I can damn sure drop some here.
yes we know, you're on a Q board. You need to take this over to Patriots.doom
I agree with OP's post, I also agree with you. Needs to be there as well.
I could have sworn I was just on some old person's FB account with the current state of the front page.
RIP our good friend discernment followed in death by his friend RESEARCH.