If you are living free in this great nation, if you are able to make a good living and be secure in the property you have accumulated, if your family and loved ones are safe and secure from the foreign evil that would like to wipe us off the face of the earth, then remember the soldiers who did not leave the battlefield. And not just today, but everyday.
Comments (25)
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Most teachers are commissars who abuse children. I'm 37 and it was even bad when I was a kid but the crap they're feeding the kids these days is on another level. Being uneducated puts you at 0, but being miseducated puts you into the negative integers. This means that being uneducated puts a person ahead of an ivy league masters recipient in terms of real world knowledge.
As a teacher of 41 years who served as both a Christian and political Constitutionalist, I can assure you there many of us out there who make a difference.
I hate that these bad seeds are messing it up for the good ones. My view on education has shifted, I will admit.
No doubt- I had some good ones too. My Grade 12 Global History teacher always said "The first casualty in war is truth". The ones pushing their toxic crap are the majority though, especially ones who got their teaching degrees in the past 2 decades.
No argument on the majority. You wouldn't believe the hostile exchanges that go on in the lounger between us and them.
And if you were born, even if you are gay, thank a heterosexual.
Why include teachers in this? Lazy bastards work a portion of the year and get an untouchable pension. While they babysit your kids and brainwashing them to work in a dead end 9-5 job obeying all orders.
There are many teachers in this world who are REALLY good at their job.
I remember having a conversation once with someone about teaching. He made a comment that led to a conversation that I won't forget.
Him: "If you're too good of a teacher, you'll be out of a job." Me: "Why?" Him: "Students won't need you anymore since they can learn it for themselves." Me: "Hmmmmm. That's fine. Time to be the best damn teacher ever."
As I reflect on many things in life thanks to this Great Awakening, he illuminated many professions, technologies, products, and industries.
Big Pharma Big Tech Big Government Drug dealers And anything that needs you to come back to maintain their profits.
And it has become quite important in my approach to leading and sharing with others. Teach a person how to learn and they will believe in themselves for the rest of their lives.
Managers have people believe in them; leaders have people believe in themselves.
As a teacher of 41 years who served as a Christian and a political Constitutionalist, I can assure you that there are many of us out there who make a difference,
So you include them because your one?
Well I think you are very damaging to society and your even worse because you should know better as a Christian and instead is sounds like you enable the machine to just keep grinding children through it.
I taught advanced math and got many students to good productive positions. I do not apologize for my career. I, also, do not apologize for defending any colleagues who taught their subject w/o including the Marxist indocrination.
Some teachers are Patriots, fren. Don't lump them all together.
Most teachers aren't patriots and could be better absorbing a bullet for a real patriot.
Ouch! How are you measuring that?
Right on!
Truth. Amen
My Mom taught me to read when I was 4. She started with the Dick and Jane books. Couldn't tell you what the titles were. I vaguely remember but surprisingly, with my current memory, I do remember that.
no one is secure in any property that they have to pay taxes for continuously merely for owning them.
Except we're not free. Which is the entire basis of this movement.
We are free!!! When you consider some of the things we have posted on this forum, I am amazed that the DS hasn't used their tech partners to track us and bring thugs to our homes.
hmmm, would speaking German be so bad if we didn't have to put up with the woke crap?