“Public Health” is the last bastion of tyranny they have left because “public health laws” grant broad authority for health officials to remove civil rights. This needs to change, especially here in the US, to greatly limit the authority health professionals have in limiting civil rights now that many of them have proven they can’t be trusted!
“Public Health” is the last bastion of tyranny they have left because “public health laws” grant broad authority for health officials to remove civil rights. This needs to change, especially here in the US, to greatly limit the authority health professionals have in limiting civil rights now that many of them have proven they can’t be trusted!
I got a treaty, it’s called:
The W.H.O. has ZERO credibility.
Maybe they need to be completely shut down.
Hey Tedros, I got your Treaty right here... how about a big Fuck You.
Gas chambers, you know, for your health.
We KNOW what this is for. The next PLANNED release. It's coming whether this "treaty" is signed, or not.
Btw, when's Tedrow's pero walk?
Get this WHO boob off the world stage!