Yep me too. 20 minute car with a friend who got injected 2 days earlier. Next day soar throat. That weekend heavy cold symptoms, running nose, severe sinus pressure. Took ivermectin from frontline docs on Monday and felt better in 4 hours. All symptoms gone the following day. Personal experience made me a believer.
Hmm... this is all really interesting. I have been feeling like CRAP for about two weeks and had a weird rash on my leg. I felt part of it was the heat (we don’t have air conditioning and it’s really hot), but I spend most of my time in the basement as I work from home, and that didn’t make a lot of sense because it hasn’t been this hot for the entire two weeks. I’m in Canada and my province has almost a 70% vaccination rate, so chances are I’m around vaccinated people all the time when I’m out anywhere. I’ve also had weird cramps (female) at strange times during the month and I wondered if that was maybe related to vax shedding or something... some things to think about.
Honestly, I have no idea how we can protect ourselves from this. My husband and I are hoping to get pregnant within the year and I’m feeling super paranoid about all this..
Thanks for these. It is definitely hard to discern how one could get pregnant and stay pregnant safely in this time. We want to try within the year, so I’m hoping if we wait a bit that things will settle somewhat, but I don’t know for sure. Or it would be good if there is found to be a surefire way to protect ourselves from shedding. Hopefully if the Fauci emails thing goes anywhere, and more research is done into the Wuhan lab and potential bioweapon/vaccine, that there will be subsequent research on protecting ourselves from it.
I’m speechless. I’m no “Dr”, but if I were 30 yrs younger trying to have children again? I’d wait. That’s just me. This made me tear-up; I have 2 daughters in same boat. ?
How much ivermectin, and did they tell you to take anything else with it? I think we're shedding victims too; mom of our son's friend folded under pressure from her doc and we didn't know until too late. Congestion and cough won't go away and roughest female problems in years. We hadn't been masked or sick the whole time, now this.
They base it by your weight. I take 6 pills once a weeks. Each is 3mg. Go Here and click on the red 'book your consultation' button. Fill out the form and they will call within a few hours. Took me five minutes. Medication came in a few days. Cost about 90 for the consult and then you pay for the medication based on your insurance. I got a three month supply. He also prescribed Zinc. You can ask for HCQ or Ivermectin and can take both prophylactically.
Can't recommend this enough. Kids can take it too. And be sure to ask the doc when you get them on the phone specific questions. Most of them are based like us. Good luck!
We got the liquid injectable, been adding the mLs by weight to juice the last four days, taken with extra D and Zinc. Was wondering if we'd be better off with one higher dose than several smaller ones. If we're not all better by Monday, I'm calling AFLD.
I thought the shedding was just showing up in weird fertility and bleeding issues. I had no idea it did this also. I was around a friend too sitting next to them and singing with them at church for over an hour and had a sore throat a small congestion and that's it, after. Almost like allergies from everything blooming. I thought nothing of it. Wow!
Good to hear about somebody else with this experience. I didn’t know how to describe it.
Yep me too. 20 minute car with a friend who got injected 2 days earlier. Next day soar throat. That weekend heavy cold symptoms, running nose, severe sinus pressure. Took ivermectin from frontline docs on Monday and felt better in 4 hours. All symptoms gone the following day. Personal experience made me a believer.
Hmm... this is all really interesting. I have been feeling like CRAP for about two weeks and had a weird rash on my leg. I felt part of it was the heat (we don’t have air conditioning and it’s really hot), but I spend most of my time in the basement as I work from home, and that didn’t make a lot of sense because it hasn’t been this hot for the entire two weeks. I’m in Canada and my province has almost a 70% vaccination rate, so chances are I’m around vaccinated people all the time when I’m out anywhere. I’ve also had weird cramps (female) at strange times during the month and I wondered if that was maybe related to vax shedding or something... some things to think about. Honestly, I have no idea how we can protect ourselves from this. My husband and I are hoping to get pregnant within the year and I’m feeling super paranoid about all this..
May God give you discernment, Lots of testimonies and potential concerns especially if your looking to get pregnant.
Apr 22 2021: "Nurse warns -- stay away from vaxxed people" Her web page with reports of bruising, allergic type reactions, women having unusual heavy bleeding with clotting, just from being in contact with the vaxxed --
Thanks for these. It is definitely hard to discern how one could get pregnant and stay pregnant safely in this time. We want to try within the year, so I’m hoping if we wait a bit that things will settle somewhat, but I don’t know for sure. Or it would be good if there is found to be a surefire way to protect ourselves from shedding. Hopefully if the Fauci emails thing goes anywhere, and more research is done into the Wuhan lab and potential bioweapon/vaccine, that there will be subsequent research on protecting ourselves from it.
I’m speechless. I’m no “Dr”, but if I were 30 yrs younger trying to have children again? I’d wait. That’s just me. This made me tear-up; I have 2 daughters in same boat. ?
What a difficult time to be figuring this stuff out, for sure... that being said, it becomes impossible to know how long to wait either...
How much ivermectin, and did they tell you to take anything else with it? I think we're shedding victims too; mom of our son's friend folded under pressure from her doc and we didn't know until too late. Congestion and cough won't go away and roughest female problems in years. We hadn't been masked or sick the whole time, now this.
They base it by your weight. I take 6 pills once a weeks. Each is 3mg. Go Here and click on the red 'book your consultation' button. Fill out the form and they will call within a few hours. Took me five minutes. Medication came in a few days. Cost about 90 for the consult and then you pay for the medication based on your insurance. I got a three month supply. He also prescribed Zinc. You can ask for HCQ or Ivermectin and can take both prophylactically.
Can't recommend this enough. Kids can take it too. And be sure to ask the doc when you get them on the phone specific questions. Most of them are based like us. Good luck!
(I LOVE your ‘handle’!!! ?
I can tell you the tubes I bought (Tractor Supply equine section) tube treats a 1250 LB horse. So I’m around 200 LBS...divide tube by 6.
We got the liquid injectable, been adding the mLs by weight to juice the last four days, taken with extra D and Zinc. Was wondering if we'd be better off with one higher dose than several smaller ones. If we're not all better by Monday, I'm calling AFLD.
I thought the shedding was just showing up in weird fertility and bleeding issues. I had no idea it did this also. I was around a friend too sitting next to them and singing with them at church for over an hour and had a sore throat a small congestion and that's it, after. Almost like allergies from everything blooming. I thought nothing of it. Wow!
Yep. I'd heard about it but became a believer when it happened to me. Also happened to 3 other people I know too so I got Ivermectin.
This is what I did to get it. I'd keep some on hand for next time if you don't want to take it prophylactically.