He is claiming CA is still in a state of emergency. Meanwhile, people are largely ignoring him and there's a push now to limit his powers. The question is: will he be arrested before he is recalled?
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I live in Illinois, outside of Chicago, and Pritzker just did the same thing. I can’t believe the idiots still walking around with masks on, even days after Fauci’s emails came out.
Thank God I was born, raised, and currently live on FL. I've seen the good and bad the last 30 years, but am so thankful for DeSantis.
I went to pump gas before coming home tonight, and the sign in the door was a picture of a mask, but people including myself were walking I'm and doing business without them. Some folks still wearing them, most don't seem to be.
I live in the biggest metropolitan area in Texas. This week grocery store changed their "mask required" signs to "masks recommended".
Maybe 12 people inside, including employees were wearing masks. Last week I was the only one there without a mask on.
It just proves that most people are only wearing masks to be compliant. Remove that requirement and almost no one gives af.
It’s a real life psychological experiment on how easily people give in to peer/societal pressure. I’ve been observing maskers and notice that a lot of them have this jumpy fear of what other people says or thinks. That’s what keeps them with this stupid masquerade.
Much the same in my part of Michigan. Signs changed to maskless if vaxxed and the first weekend maybe 1/3 were maskless. A couple weeks later almost everyone is.