So today, went to Costco with my mom. She's brainwashed, vaxxed, paranoid of covid... Tried my best with these people I call my family, but as you all know, facts mean nothing these days to these types. I love her nonetheless.
To my surprise, some of people were not wearing masks, which I would guess they were vaccinated because I live in a very liberal town.I could feel those who were masked up were kind of staring at me, which we all get a lot of...
So for some reason, the place that I was born and raised, my allergies have been crushing me this year. Not sure why, but something is off...Some shedding, who knows... But I started sniffling a bit, and the paranoia was astounding. So I would just keep sniffling around people to see their reaction, and they would move away from me so fast, I was cracking up.
I don't want their potential shedding on me, so I went on offense. YOU GET AWAY FROM ME by sniffling. These people were scared shitless... I know, kinda cruel, but I'm trying to find humor in this by any means necessary.
I was laughing, my dad thought it was funny, mom did not and thought I had covid.
Sometimes, we gotta prank these fools. Have some fun and try it, you will visually be in amazement. And if you're like me, think it's hilarious.
God bless you all.
What in the hell is going on right now? I grew up here, never in my life has this ever happened to me.
Something is definitely up. I'm also getting checked out for a swollen spleen now. Just weird health issues that have never ever happened to me, even when covid was rampant...
Is this shedding shit really doing this to us?
I am starting to harbor these suspicions....
I got this horse ivermectin I ordered, I didn't want to use it unless I really needed it, but these allergies are literally ruining my life right now.
Just take a dose based off of your weight. The measurement tabs for the one I got are in 50 pound increments. The Ivermectin could potentially help with your very-out-of-the-ordinary swollen spleen...
Get the dirty 'bugs' out!
ive been wiped out for a couple weeks now, no real symptoms just no energy. my back is all messed up too, making my feet numb but thats probably working from home catching up to me.
Yea, i don't want to over react or anything, but with everything that's happening, who frikken knows anymore.
But yes, heard from several people this is the damn worst year ever here as well.
When it rains, it pours, and it has poured for us for awhile, but soon, we shall have a blooming beautiful world.