Even though they didn't have to because there was a far less guarded route to the south that would have caused the fall of Berlin to happen weeks earlier but Roosevelt promised Stallen to meet his troops in Berlin at the same time so that they could justify giving half of Germany to the Soviet Union.
Your Grandpa is a hero and an inspiration, as are you and your words. Thank you.
I misread as “JOAN” Rivers lolol, I was like goddamn no wonder the Obummers killed her after she exposed Big Mike’s package lol
Me too.
when was she supposed to have said this?
She's been dead since she exposed Ozero and Big Mike as being America's first gay president married to America's first Lady tranny back in '14.
JOHN Rivers. I don't know who he is since this image doesn't link to his account?!
Sorry, apologies, I've been enjoying a splendid Sativa smoke.
I mistook it for her too so don't feel bad.
Same. Speed reading is not always our friend.
Look up, ''Nazis imported US Democrat States' lawbooks, to write their civil rights suppression laws for the third Reich.
Line for line, sometimes word for word.
And don't EVER let a coven of slavergobble pedocrats forget it.
Not many people know that!
It's very true, huh. They have ALWAYS been the party of the Nazis.
Certain death. They did it anyway.
Even though they didn't have to because there was a far less guarded route to the south that would have caused the fall of Berlin to happen weeks earlier but Roosevelt promised Stallen to meet his troops in Berlin at the same time so that they could justify giving half of Germany to the Soviet Union.