Never again will Americans fall for a fake flu false flag. See any baseball games over the weekend? Stands are nearly FULL of UNMASKED fans sitting shoulder to shoulder.
Never again will Americans fall for a fake flu false flag. See any baseball games over the weekend? Stands are nearly FULL of UNMASKED fans sitting shoulder to shoulder.
It'll be interesting when the G7 meets up. Bidet is attending, so it'll be good for a laugh.
I'd like to see Trump in attendance, ripping them all a new one.
Klaus Shwab needs to be in Spandau.
I read your post at first as,
"Klaus Shwab needs to be in Spandex"
It's going to be a while before the nightmares subside.
Let's just use GITMO in the future to avoid any PTSD, even if some other prison is more jurisdictionally appropriate.
the smellchekker tried to change it to spandex!
The possibility of Trump showing up just made my head explode ???
It's exactly his style.
Everything you said above would be true, except for the fact that people are actually still going to sporting activities. Far as I’m concerned, all those people are still sheep! Mask or no mask! They are still supporting the machine!
This right here. I no longer support any organizations that knelt for communism. Including my college alma mater. Commies and their sympathizers can GGF.
Agreed. Are we so desperate for a bit of entertainment that we can’t boycott pro sports for a stretch?
Quit watching sports ball games. We are in a war against these CCP loving fags.