Despotic psycho Blair - “separate vax’d and unvax’d”:
Demented narcissist Johnson - “vax the world by end of 2022”
For an in-depth overview of how the UK got to where it is, check out the New Normal documentary -
Come on Brits! Flush the DS down the ?
We have no guns. We can't fight for ourselves and oppose the government.
Also there is still much love for the royals although I can see that fading once the queen dies. Our militairy and government are sworn to serve the monarchy not the people.
Britain is enslaved and will only be free if America leads the way. Once America DS collapses it will ripple around the world.
The Queen not wearing her crown and robes at the opening of parliament. Trump walking ahead of her reviewing the guards and Trump keeping her waiting for 17 min. while she checked her watch shows that something else is happening behind the scenes. Not everything is as it was.
Because the real queen is gone and an actress took her place. Hence Trump's "rudeness".
Good time to be in the business of selling catapults and crossbows.
I have been looking for an excuse to test the range of the old trebuchet...
Apart from the million+ who protested last week in London, plus others (like me) who couldn't get there.
And me but I've managed a few local regional ones.
As my American brethren say: “1m+ protesters is good, but don’t forget that’s 1m+ UNARMED protesters”.
It was a sizeable number but not a million+. Those aerial videos were from one of the anti-Brexit marches.
And me, but I keep a low profile, I don't attend marches so I can specifically move around freely till the times right to do maximum damage under the cover of anonymity.