Let's get this straight...There are FOUR major companies that supply the Vaccine for the "Corona Virus"...There's Moderna...Pfizer...Johnson and Johnson and Astrazeneca...They have been waiting to get the vaccine out to the public as fast as they can. They said by the End of 2021 they will have about 2.8 Billion doses distributed... Then you have this... There's a passage in Revelations that talks about FOUR Angels that have patiently been waiting for this moment to be cast upon Earth and to kill a THIRD of the population... Revelation 9:15 "And the FOUR angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the THIRD part of men"
So..... 2.8 Billion(vaccine doses) divided by 7.8 Billion(Population of Earth) gives you 0.35 which is...A THIRD of the population...! Considering what's going on with Gates, Fauci etc and the Depopulation of the planet narrative is it coincidental that these numbers match up...!!??
OR Is It Just Me...
Sheesh, yea you got my attention!
Also edit; Bill Cooper said it’s like these Freemasons/Cabal/bad guys are following the book of revelations to a T. It was written and it WILL come to pass.
If ya wanna hear some more creepy stuff...
The White Horseman wields a bow and arrow and a crown.
Another word for bow is a cloth ribbon (mask). An arrow is synonymous with a needle.
Oh, and corona means Crown.
He is usually called Pestilence. I always wondered what a bow, arrow, and crown had to do with disease...
Yes reading through revelation I wonder how could, with modern technology for quarantining people, they kill a third of people off? Well if it is administered directly such as a “vaccine”.
Pfizer is bioNtech.. you mean astrazeneca, fren. :)
Interesting connection.. I have begun to doubt there are such things as coincidences.
Thanks, i will correct that...
Absolutely no such thing as Coincidences....IMO
Coincidence = man’s attempts to explain the sovereignty and provision of God
Oh my gosh!! Revelations Chapters 6-10 was my daily reading for today.
you are missing the fact that people are getting more that one dose
How could these companies possibly be referred to as "angels"?
There are good angels, and there are bad angels. All of them were created as holy angels, but about a third of them rebelled against God and fell from their sinless position. Satan, the leader of these demons or unholy angels, is a liar, a murderer, and a thief. (John 10:10) He hates God and he passionately hates God’s people. The Bible tells us that he prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). We need to remember that Satan and all the demons are supernaturally brilliant, and Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).
Satan was an angel.
fallen angels
And I didn't refer to the companies as Angels...Its a Comparison...
On top of that we have CERN still opening portal's to communicate with demons. We have crazy images from Antarctica appearing as the ice melts(Florida maquis youtube channel). We have ton's of evidence for the push of a one world government while the pope is a freemason satanist, fulfilling various prophecies from throughout the ages. Nanotech being delivered in vaccines, 5g to turn on the chipped. The Vatican has a telescope called "lucifer", what are they looking for?? Luciferace is an ingredient in the vax. Yes Frens, looks like we'll be living(or not) through the end times.
I find your theory interesting, though I disagree.
There are way more vaccine manufacturers world wide than you’d expect. At least 50+ with at least 7 being really substantially distributed.
I am off the belief we are actually experiencing something like Leviticus 26: 14-45 God led me to the reading recently and I think God will see us kicking and screaming to a Sabbath year, unless we repent first the ride will be bumping. Anchor to God and hold on.
most of the shots will go to Christians too.