Honestly I don’t even think its even slight proof… its just the right thing to do legally and constitutionally - the law is very clear about when the DOJ defends the President… and this was clearly in that definition. The lefties don’t like it and thus try to say that its “controversial” - it is not
I don't just want to see these lawsuits shut down. I want the false accusers thrown in prison. These lies amount to sedition.
not a bad take on it
Honestly I don’t even think its even slight proof… its just the right thing to do legally and constitutionally - the law is very clear about when the DOJ defends the President… and this was clearly in that definition. The lefties don’t like it and thus try to say that its “controversial” - it is not
But as someone just pointed out to me... the DOJ isn't as weaponized by Biden as one might think
The only weapon in the commander in frauds quiver is a limp pedo dick
Ironic, that ugly bitch looks like she'd be the one who'd have to rape someone to get any action.
Even Anderson Pooper Pants couldn't make a silk purse out of this sow's ear during a very, very strange interview.
The chick is nutso cukoo to the max.
here's sauce https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/07/biden-justice-department-defends-trump-in-suit-over-rape-denial-492088
Biden just wants to sweep his Tara Reed rape under the carpet.
Don’t know if I would trust the DOJ to represent him. They could stab him in the back with a weak defense.