posted ago by scyenceFiction ago by scyenceFiction +85 / -0

Today was a big day for Gamestop and the Reddit community following it. Why does it matter? Well, it's tracking right along with the events us anons and pedes have been watching all along, in disturbingly similar fashion.

I won't force you all to wade through Reddit to get the deetz, but if you so choose: https://libredd.it/r/Superstonk

The summary: Today was a day with TPTB attacking heavily. Information warfare as well as dirty tricks to depress the market. But it was a special day. This was the annual shareholders' meeting and quarterly earnings call.

If you don't invest, the annual shareholders' meeting almost always centers around a vote on various topics that affect the board of directors and executives, and an update by senior management on strategic priorities.
This vote did not come out the way many expected it to. Yes, the motions were all passed. What wasn't expected was the vote count. Many expected it to be in the 100M range, which would have been proof positive of naked shorting (because there would have been an overvote). The official filing showed exactly 100% of the allowable votes (55.5M) and reddit imploded. (You see, that's an SEC thing about how overvotes get reported.) Everyone understood there was serious fuckery going on with the vote (sound familiar?).

Shortly thereafter, it was announced that the SEC was investigating manipulation of GME, which became FUD in the media to further demoralize and depress the price. As it turns out, the investigation was requested by the CEO, now Chairman, Ryan Cohen... months ago. As we like to say in these parts, "we have it all" (Here are the receipts).

Almost simultaneously, the SEC announced an investigation into price manipulation by high-frequecy trading which called out most, if not all, of the HFs and brokers that worked together to try and short Gamestop into bankruptcy.

The result of this will require a full, independent audit of the vote and a correction to be issued through the media and SEC (!). The same people that kicked T_D, still refer to Anons as 'QTards', and haven't questioned the veracity of Slo Joe's 81M votes now recognize the one thing that stands in the way of order, justice and piles of cash is an honest audit of the vote.

At the same time, the balance and tone of the sub took a marked shift. Conspiracy theory that the MSM lied to them, is still lying, and will continue to lie to protect TPTB was confirmed as no longer a theory. They understand that paid shills have infiltrated every facet of social media and they need to use critical thinking to weed out the misinformation. One comment stood out... "What else have they been lying about?" had over 200 upvotes within an hour.

I had fun today... I had a lot of people buying into the mantra that Nothing Can Stop What is Coming (Hedgies R Fuk), to Trust the Plan, and that FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING. There is more awakening happening out there. We are winning.

I do truly believe that this whole GME saga is part of the grand plan, the third phase of what Anons and Patriots started.