This is some straight up retard logic.
Two things can be true at the same time.
A virus is extremely overexaggerated.
An experimental vaccine is dangerous.
Covid was hyped up by increasing the death count. They did this by counting anyone who died of anything after they got covid. I'm sure you know this, right?
Well the very same method is being used here. These deaths are NOT all linked to the vaccine as the cause. The data lists "social situations" as a cause of death, I mean come on.
This is how the DS/Cabal functions. They push both sides to make us fight, you know this to be true. They push racism and "anti-racism" simultaneously.
Beyond the fact that it matches their playbook perfectly it gives them an excuse to say covid is running rampant because of those crazy Q anti vaxxers, I've already seen this narrative pushed.
On top of that, getting the vaxx out early and forcing the DS's hand into reopening was one of Trump's greatest accomplishments, but instead of praising him for it, many of his biggest followers now question his motives entirely.
No, it doesnt. Your comments read to me like you cant console trump pushing the vax and it killing people. Those can also both be true at the same time.
You can't just say no. That's not an argument. Did you even read what I said? These deaths aren't linked to the vaccine, you can see it yourself in the data. It lists stuff like social situations and surgical procedures among these deaths. Does that sound like a vaccine death to you? Just like the VAERS data here in the US, this data has absurd amounts of noise, and if it's proof to you the vaccines are killing tens of thousands, you don't understand what you're looking at or how to interpret it.
Also the social and surgical accounts for 24 of the 13,867 or 0.17%.
I dont understand why its there categorically, but it doesn't discredit my assertion in the slightest.
You're striking me as neurotic and needlessly contrarian.
This is some straight up retard logic. Two things can be true at the same time. A virus is extremely overexaggerated. An experimental vaccine is dangerous.
No, it's sound logic. Shall I explain it to you?
Covid was hyped up by increasing the death count. They did this by counting anyone who died of anything after they got covid. I'm sure you know this, right?
Well the very same method is being used here. These deaths are NOT all linked to the vaccine as the cause. The data lists "social situations" as a cause of death, I mean come on.
Does that help you understand?
What would be the purpose for hyping up vaccine deaths though, if they are simultaneously pushing the "Get your shot" campaign?
This is how the DS/Cabal functions. They push both sides to make us fight, you know this to be true. They push racism and "anti-racism" simultaneously.
Beyond the fact that it matches their playbook perfectly it gives them an excuse to say covid is running rampant because of those crazy Q anti vaxxers, I've already seen this narrative pushed.
On top of that, getting the vaxx out early and forcing the DS's hand into reopening was one of Trump's greatest accomplishments, but instead of praising him for it, many of his biggest followers now question his motives entirely.
Sounds like a pretty successful op for them.
No, it doesnt. Your comments read to me like you cant console trump pushing the vax and it killing people. Those can also both be true at the same time.
You can't just say no. That's not an argument. Did you even read what I said? These deaths aren't linked to the vaccine, you can see it yourself in the data. It lists stuff like social situations and surgical procedures among these deaths. Does that sound like a vaccine death to you? Just like the VAERS data here in the US, this data has absurd amounts of noise, and if it's proof to you the vaccines are killing tens of thousands, you don't understand what you're looking at or how to interpret it.
No. Also the social and surgical accounts for 24 of the 13,867 or 0.17%. I dont understand why its there categorically, but it doesn't discredit my assertion in the slightest. You're striking me as neurotic and needlessly contrarian.