Weakness is found in inability to make the attempt
Dig down deep like a true Anon. The awakening was never for us...we are awake.....the Awakening is for them.
Our military fights for even the sheep.
Be the Marine, be the adult.
That's what the letter is asking of people.
So fail at the gate ? I'd rather fail in the attempt.
God cherishes all life...even that of idiots.
Nice thought, doesn't work. Preaching truth and understanding to mentally ill degenerates who want you dead is a losing tactic.
Yep...the nice guy wins tactic is weak. Strength in God’s Victory. That Tree of Liberty is thirsty as...
Weakness is found in inability to make the attempt Dig down deep like a true Anon. The awakening was never for us...we are awake.....the Awakening is for them. Our military fights for even the sheep. Be the Marine, be the adult. That's what the letter is asking of people. So fail at the gate ? I'd rather fail in the attempt. God cherishes all life...even that of idiots.
You’re correct. I gotta temper my discerning process at times ie stifle my need to have an outburst.
“Might Makes Right” - Varg Fucking Freeborn
Wrong. It's when you fail to try is exactly when you fail. It requires strength to see past deafeatest attitudes. Dig down deeper.
Here are some of the people you're trying to reason with. Good luck.
yeah why has the general gone fucking soft? what a melt