Good morning patriots! I woke up this morning with this train of thought: We've heard that the U.S. military has been infiltrated with marxists; they aren't even hiding it. Patriotic Americans are now being called "domestic terrorists". What if Q's pleas for us to all sit by to eventually let the military take care of all the treasonous SOBs in our government was just a ruse to make sure the portion of the citizen population with the guns, patriotic Americans, felt comfortable when the military takes control, only to have that military round up the "domestic terrorists"? Remember the rumored "FEMA camps"?
Sorry to have a negative train of thought like this, but when I wake up, I sometimes have either great ideas (creative ideas, inventions, etc.), or sometimes thoughts like this.
American soldiers defend the Constitution. There are consequences for failing to do so, even under orders.
Exactly, I had hours of training about how to identify and not follow unlawful orders, one incident that was always brought up was the My Lai massacre.
Troops, specially those in combat arms aren't going to follow unlawful orders, most hold the same values as we patriots.
Serving isn't like basic training, yelling and hazing everyday. There are so many misconceptions that the general population has about the military.
I'm not talking about soldiers shooting Americans. Rounding people up is a long way from shooting them. I just don't think it would be difficult to convince soldiers that they ARE following the Constitution by apprehending people who are "a threat to the Constitution". Propaganda is powerful.
So what happens if the cows being rounded up have guns and want to be free to hold their long heads high?
They sure didn't mind rounding people up and disarming them during hurricane Katrina.
they'll try to bring in out side help, china troops dressed in un white helmets.
...which the patriots in the military would immediately dispatch.