To me, pledging to anyone or anything but God is idolatry
I can kind of see the Bible being something we revere, but it is not God
And the flag -- to me it represents at the very least decades of kidnapping, raping, and murdering children. I can't fly it any more. I don't see why I am supposed to pledge my allegiance to it.
I can certainly pledge allegiance to the principles God has taught through his son Jesus Christ.
I am not loyal to the United States, and I never was. The United States is a creation of "We, the People" and is not something to be honored or adored or to swear fealty to.
The United States should be pledging allegiance to me, and all individuals, not the other way around. That's why THEY take an oath of office, and we don't. I am not loyal to the United States, and no one else should be either. The constitution? If you want to work for we, the people, then you better damn well be sure you are going to follow the constitution as a condition of your employment!
Ill politely disagree with you. Think of this in the cobtext of one of Reagans speech's where he says he believes this land was set between the oceans by a divine creator to be found by his followers to freely follow religion. In that sense, i think its sound to fly the flag and love this country.
I feel bad for the last 100 years the people running it have perverted it.
To me, pledging to anyone or anything but God is idolatry
I can kind of see the Bible being something we revere, but it is not God
And the flag -- to me it represents at the very least decades of kidnapping, raping, and murdering children. I can't fly it any more. I don't see why I am supposed to pledge my allegiance to it.
I can certainly pledge allegiance to the principles God has taught through his son Jesus Christ.
Uh...have you even read the pledge?
I don't pledge allegiance to any institution on God's green earth, except the kingdom of God.
I am not and never will be loyal to earthly powers.
The first commandment is to put God first in all things.
? You didn't read any of it. If you did, you'd know that what you're saying is aligned with the pledges you're also saying you're against...
I didn't read any of what?
What do you think "pledge allegiance" means?
I am not loyal to the United States, and I never was. The United States is a creation of "We, the People" and is not something to be honored or adored or to swear fealty to.
The United States should be pledging allegiance to me, and all individuals, not the other way around. That's why THEY take an oath of office, and we don't. I am not loyal to the United States, and no one else should be either. The constitution? If you want to work for we, the people, then you better damn well be sure you are going to follow the constitution as a condition of your employment!
Ill politely disagree with you. Think of this in the cobtext of one of Reagans speech's where he says he believes this land was set between the oceans by a divine creator to be found by his followers to freely follow religion. In that sense, i think its sound to fly the flag and love this country.
I feel bad for the last 100 years the people running it have perverted it.
The flag represents a government that has done everything in its power to oppress true religion.
Why Patriots Shouldn't Pledge Allegiance
That was actually an interesting read.
Exactly!!! Amen!