509 The transferring of potential mRNA coronavirus vaccine patients to university of North Carolina....IN DECEMBER 2019 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by matrix_steve 3 years ago by matrix_steve +509 / -0 70 comments download share 70 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Why don’t you ask disclose.tv? I’m just a messenger
Always good to vet sources. I'm not doubting you, I know mRNA has been in the works for a while now.
Even to push emergency use they had to shut down viable alternatives I.E hydroxychloroquin.
But this was 2019....not 2020. They had given a vaccine to people in the hospital with Infectious Diseases before the virus was even detected.
This means they had a vaccine from the beginning.
If you're talking about this post, I believe they mean vaccine candidate as in a vial of a vaccine that could be used as a vaccine, not a person who received the vaccine.
That's how I read it as well.
Yep, that’s what it is
Yeah I remember a patent going as far back as 2015 or 2016 if I'm not mistaken.