Shingles would be due to the immune system being depleted (a lot of things can trigger re-activation of that), it doesn't have to be from the shot per se, but because the immune system has gone hay wire... which is a reaction one can have to any vaccine on the market (not just Coronavirus).
Get them to have Vitamin B (liquid over tablets if able) or if able, Vitamin B shots.
It will support the blood-cell creation process and help them recover faster.
They said that here.
They also said that I was lying when my mom and brother got shingles after the shots.... now 4 people are out for shingles.
I'm not sure why people don't see this yet but: doing nothing let's the communists do more. We've been doing nothing for 60 years, look where we are.
Luckily I have no family to worry about, I'm in shape, and quite prepared.
Shingles would be due to the immune system being depleted (a lot of things can trigger re-activation of that), it doesn't have to be from the shot per se, but because the immune system has gone hay wire... which is a reaction one can have to any vaccine on the market (not just Coronavirus).
Get them to have Vitamin B (liquid over tablets if able) or if able, Vitamin B shots. It will support the blood-cell creation process and help them recover faster.