How is it possible every nation in the Antarctic treaty has held up their end of the deal? No oil exploration? Nothing? Seriously? Why does John Kerry keep going there? He may be a Globalist climate radical, but seriously? He's not a scientist! Why is every thing these people have done exactly like Nazis? Even down to medical experimentation?Where did those 43,000 german women who were shipped to Antarctica at the end of WWII go? Is it possible we are actually dealing with the 4th Reich? Did Nazis really escape to Antarctica? Why can't a plane traverse it? Why are all plane paths set to completely avoid it? Environmental reasons? For real? If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you! What is our reality? WHO or WHAT is in Antarctica?
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I still want to know how an 14c map of the world, which was put together using ancient maps of countries and seas .... showed an accurate coastline of the Antarctica along with rivers and mountain peaks.... hundreds of years before it was ‘discovered’ officially......!
I also recall that someone suggested that the location of Antarctica shown on that map was 22 degrees off its current position today.... I remember thinking if that might have anything to do with the 22 / 23 degrees we are off tilt of our axis....
I never looked into it more than that but that was one detail that stuck in my head as a coincidence......!
I don’t buy into the Nazi rumours or Birds later expedition post ww2.... I think that the evidence so far shows that Antarctica has significant resources.... and perhaps in searching for that we have found something that is significant to our history or that proves something ( I don’t know what exactly) that our governments want to keep secret from us publicly....
I think it was the Piri Reis map that showed the accurate coastline. His map was from the 16th century but he said it was based on hundreds of ancient maps that no longer exist today. It's possible that this planet has had civilizations capable of crossing the sea and accurately mapping the planet LONG before Piri Reis' time, but nobody takes the Atlantis story seriously these days it seems. Personally, I think it's the most important "conspiracy theory", "myth", or "legend" that exists today.
I have a folder full of maps on my desktop from the Library of Congress, and many of them from the 17th-18th century have Atlantis labeled. Some show North America as Atlantis, while others have Antarctica as Atlantis. I also found a perfectly drawn Pepsi logo on a map from the 17th century. Strange enough, it's used to label an island known as Hy-Brasil. Someone needs to explain that.
If there was an "Atlantis", it was most likely the area that is now the South China Sea. The South China sea is strange - average depth of 150 feet, which would have been 250 feet above sea level during the ice age.
11,000 years ago, that was a sub-continent sized isthmus that would have been one of the best places to live during the ice age climate. Warm, with a good amount of precipitation.
As the planet warmed up at the start of our current inter-glacial period (Holocene), that sub continent flooded. There is a reason that all ancient civilizations contain some sort of flood mythology in common.
Does a cup filled to the brim with water and ice overflow when the ice melts? Or does the resulting water from the melted ice just reoccupy the space that previously held the ice?
The earth as a system is very much like the glass of water with the ice. If there was a flood, it definitely wasn’t from ice melting.
That doesnt take into account the ice and claciera that are over land that melt and fill into the ocean. If an icecube is on a shelf above a glass of water and the icecube melts and trickles into that water cup, does the water level not rise?