Areyoukidding15 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Founding Fathers realized not everyone deserved to vote. If you could put the voting behind a requirement that ensured the person was a rational, well reasoned, astute individual....the Democrat party as it exists now would not make it through the year.

Single issue voters are myopic. People who can't delay gratification are the exact opposite of what makes society grow great. They mortgage the future generation just to get a nutritionally void cheeseburger today.

Areyoukidding15 3 points ago +3 / -0

*Should be made to stand trial as a sex offender for talking about sexual things to a minor who cannot consent.

Fixed it.

Areyoukidding15 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not dig up, “create”. They should have used “fabricated”, “invent”, heck “conjure” is a more realistic description that adheres to what actually happened. “dig up” implies that there were real (and hidden) connections that needed unearthing.

Areyoukidding15 1 point ago +1 / -0

More like text messages...

Areyoukidding15 8 points ago +8 / -0

I understand the sentiment. From day 1 because of my background, I knew this was garbage. But we are all on the same side, even if they didn’t remember or act like it for quite some time. The vaxx injured and us have a common enemy and the enemy of my enemy is my friend. This is needlessly and fruitlessly divisive.

We are the same. The same group of people the “elites” wish to rid like a termite infestation. The conflict isn’t over. we need to unite, not draw random lines in the sand for the sake of ego stroking. You know what your reward is? You didn’t just give yourself, or your kids cancer with this junk shot. That is a pretty amazing reward. Why do you feel the need to further dunk on the ones who got duped? That is marvelously petty, and I would normally make jokes about that. But with so much at stake, it isn’t the time. WWG1WGA. “ALL” is the key operator. Don’t give them more fuel to divide us.

Areyoukidding15 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes. I would open an account immediately as well.

Areyoukidding15 7 points ago +7 / -0

They want us divided. The vaxxed may lack some critical thinking issues, suffer from health problems and are basically our retarded cousins, but they are still our fellow citizens and the bully down the street did them harm. Even if they were tricked into harming themselves, the morons, and it sort of is kind of funny, someone picked on our blood. Right now we need to go down there and make things right, figuratively.

We can save the “I told you so” for after we have united and kicked various DS ass. Some of our most potential strongest allies are covid vaxxed individuals who are suffering first hands effects from the shot. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” At least on a local level they can help commissioners not try and implement a mask mandate. Their stories and suffering have power.

So embrace our special ed brethren despite the stones they throw as they lash out. They aren’t really angry at you, they are angry at themselves for getting tricked and hurt. Let sympathy overtake any anger you have at being wronged. Understand their decision may have significantly shortened their life. Treat them as you would a patient in a hospital with an unknown prognosis, because that is what they are. One second they are at a friend’s house, next they will suffer a heart attack/stroke or some bother blood clot that will kill them on the spot. (The NPR guy died on his friend’s couch.) They literally don’t know when it is coming. Personally I used to feel anger for all of this nonsense, but now 95% of what I feel is sympathy and sadness for them. Yeah, they called me a racist illogically, but I at least will get to see my kids grow up.

Areyoukidding15 3 points ago +3 / -0

So very true. We need to be united even though there are some on that side who wish for us to be in camps and our wealth confiscated.

We need to forgive them and press on anyway. There are so many who are actually just lost and lashing out. It is super hard but We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Let’s save our retarded cousins. Lol.

Areyoukidding15 5 points ago +5 / -0

How is this known? Edit: Yoooo!!! There was an announcement! I would link but I don’t want to give them the ad revenue. My president is making moves!!

Areyoukidding15 2 points ago +2 / -0

This video presents factual information in such an easy way that normies can follow along: https://rumble.com/vqx3kb-the-pfizer-inoculations-do-more-harm-than-good.html

I have had good success with this lately. If they can watch for about 2 minutes then they tend to watch the whole thing. You will probably learn something yourself. There is also an accompanying PDF to make it easier to follow along but it isn’t needed.

Areyoukidding15 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just checked, this is up to 1,900,000 likes. Almost 2 million likes and 35,000 comments.

These type of numbers change sentiments.

Areyoukidding15 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where did she get the kid? If it is her own, the crime is unforgivable, but if it was her niece, cousin, or someone else’s kid…..law abiding citizen

Areyoukidding15 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is silly. You have removed people’s will, actions and given them a non sequitur of a consequence. That’s like wishing lung cancer on everyone regardless if they have smoked or not because you think an unexpected/undeserved “suffering” of innocents will help absolve the guilty?

Don’t have sex with people you don’t want a baby with. If you do, use protection so you don’t accidentally create a life. No point should it cross your mind to murder someone so you don’t have to take up a responsibility you created. That is just so spooky to do.

Areyoukidding15 17 points ago +18 / -1

Are you retarded?

Areyoukidding15 5 points ago +5 / -0

Midwit theory is real. You can assume where I think the jarheads fall into that. Lol.

Don’t have to be smart to make smart decisions.

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