about a week ago, my daycare has a sign on the window stating that they have had a few cases of hand, foot and mouth disease. And wouldn't you know, 4 days ago, my 1-yr old (doesn't go to daycare yet), me and my wife (pregnant) get knocked the f**k over with this virus.
Upon investigation, it seems that it is rare for people over the age of 5 to contract this virus, but in my family, we are batting 1,000. Interestingly, 5-yr-old that goes to this daycare does not have it. Go figure.
Reason for post: I've been hearing about multiple adults contracting this virus all-of-a-sudden. Anyone else privy to this?
Yes, my doctor picked it up and got absolutely rekt for a week. He thinks child passed it from daycare. Just like you I don't think the child got it either.
More importantly, and just like I asked my doctor, why the fuck are you letting strangers raise your children?
We were also told, kids can pick it up and spread it without actually being infected with it.
Its a preschool academy. She can already read and write before kindergarten. Investment in education. We can't be COMPLETELY against education.
I didn't say anything about education. Daycare is not synonymous with education. I am commenting on having children being raised by daycare workers rather than their own parents. Research has demonstrated that children who spend too much time in daycare experience symptoms of maternal abandonment, resulting in behavioral problems that really blow up when they become teenagers.
Could just be worthless parents blaming daycare
ACE2 are receptors on cells that allow things in and out of the cell.
Not only are the spike proteins blocking them, as multiple reports show, but they can potentially cleave them open and allow anything and everything into the cells.
That means viruses that cells usually would be able to guard against can get in no problem.
The spike proteins are the problem. So whether you've had Covid or the shot, you're gonna be in for some hurt at least.
Seeing how there is FAR MORE of the spike protein in the shot than you would ever get from the actual virus, the vaccinated people are gonna get hit the worst when a new seasonal cold or flu comes along.
There have been a few outbreaks of Hand/Foot/Mouth disease in Asia over the past decade. I never heard of adults getting it. Naturally, parents in Asian countries worry about their kids contracting it. There's not much they can do beyond teaching their kids proper hygiene.
If I were to contract this disease, I would first see if a micropulser works. That is a little electronic device that goes over the wrist and forces the blood in the wrist arteries to pass by a very mild, pulsing electric field. With most viruses, the outer shell of the virus will break apart when exposed to this field and the virus will be rendered harmless.
Micropulsers can be made at home if you know how to construct basic electronic circuits. They can also be purchased from companies like SOTA in Canada.
I personally know 3 adults that have contracted what their doctor has termed 'hand, foot and mouth disease" within the past week.
Micropulser....very interesting. I shall research, thank you my fren.
Strange, same thing happened to my sales manager's family last week.
His kids contracted it at daycare and passed it along to the mother, who is vaccinated.
My sales manager is not vaccinated and he didn't contract the virus.
This is beginning to sound like the "delta" strain.
It’s highly contagious. I got it from my 2 yr old kid years ago ... in 2009. I also had an infant at the time who didn’t get it. Super painful ... my hands and feet were on fire. Thankfully, didn’t have the mouth part. Speedy recovery, fren!
Yes, its not pleasant in the mouth/throat. Thank your for the kind wishes.
It is rare for adults to get it. However, like everything else if you’re child has it more than likely you can/will too. I worked in a Head Start for 6 years, it went around every year. As long as we kept the ones who had it at home & everything cleaned/sanitized it normally wouldn’t spread around too much.
Did you take one of the Coof shots? It's exceedingly rare in America for anyone to catch foot-mouth disease, as long as most everything you come in contact the most is properly sanitized.
If y'all aren't coof "vaxxed," I'm also wondering how many of those day care workers are, and how many parents of the other children are, as well.
Interestingly, I am not coofed, but my wife is. Both got hand,foot and mouth at about the same intensity at the same time. 1yr-old has already recovered.
Two years later, and my daughter's family has two members down with this disease: one adult and one toddler. The other two seem fine. And yes, both children go to the same daycare, and both adults take turns engaging with that daycare - in a rural hub smallish connunity in NZ. And it hit the unvaxed individuals. I don't even know if it is from the daycare TBH. Also the dog is fine, just incase someone thought there was an animal vector.
The two victims are at the skin-peeling-off stage (after painful rash and slight fever, last week - that is late January 2024). They feel fine now, but the adult could not go to the gym, for example, because entire fingerprints and footprints were sloughing off, like a snake shedding its skin. (And it's disgusting - I was told)
Reason for post and the TMI is: I wonder if we are still riding the mutation, all around the globe, of this disease that occurred in 2012 - that was puported to now 'affect adults' and was, therefore, more aggressive, complete with peeling skins.
And weirdly, I wonder if it is contact dermatitis from some random spray - maybe the two (boys) climbed a round-upped tree somewhere? Even as all the symptoms point to this virus one has to wonder why the others (girls) did not get anything.
It’s one of the joys of parenting!!! You get all the cooties your kids bring home from preschool!