I find it so amazing that everything Bill Gates said in the interview turned out to be the exact opposite, with the exception of population control, of course. He's such a creep and a LIAR.
Well, I like to find the roots of things. I found that article while looking for the origin of this belief that there are a lot of structures 10 km deep. (Not doubting underground hideouts, just 10 km) It is very much the same story going around now, 9 years later, I imagine that it started earlier. 1997? That would have been 15 years before. Even 24 years doesn't seem long enough to overthrow the established world power structure, although it is a very long time for any group to do something so ambitious and keep it so secret.
Yes I saw a video where a man was being interviewed and he kept saying that no matter what they did the future kept coming to the same conclusion. Was that guy ‘Mike’ or something like that? It seems to me he has his own podcast or something on YouTube. Can anyone help with that video, a link perhaps...?
Thanks for that link.That is incredible that a lot of that stuff appears to be happening now. BOY! Did we all get walked up the garden path by Cabal/DS!
In the right hand bottom corner click once on the + magnifying glass icon to zoom in.
Cursor on image, left click hold, and drag image to the left until you are looking at the very bottom right hand side of the image. Bar code on cover should be in the very bottom right hand corner.
Note the white line running through the word FUTURE... follow it to the right until it ends in a slight spear point.
Click one more time on the + magnifying glass icon and zoom in, and move the image as before until it is once again moved all the way down and all the way to the right.
Focus a stare at the area where the white line ends... an image of JFK should pop out. The area to the immediate right of the end of the top bar of the E is JFK's forehead, hair above, eyes below... image should be clear now.
I think this is the original image they modeled the "ghosted" image from. View the magazine cover on one tab... open up another tab with a second GA.win site, go to the post again and then to this comment with link below. Toggle between the two images and see if the JFK image profiled in rocky surface pops out.
Any part of the Awakening process should be left unrestricted.
“hurr this belongs in otherforum.win” = "We don't like what you are posting here because it's waking people up." It's a Reddit-fag thing to do because it's the same exact shills that try to do it here. They lose their minds about it because they can't just insta-ban people here like they do on Reddit, since they run Reddit. Losing their minds is the only way they know how to act.
"our children deserve a better one and Bill is building a brighter one" Brighter could be an atomic bomb blast which is clearly not better. At the time he had to sound like he was positive on Clinton
Which modern day beetle? The one that came out in the 2010’s? Or the one that came out in ‘97?
wow. Would love to get my hands on a copy of that issue.
Here ya go, fren, your very own copy:
Thanks for this!
I find it so amazing that everything Bill Gates said in the interview turned out to be the exact opposite, with the exception of population control, of course. He's such a creep and a LIAR.
Glad to be of service, fren!
A lot of weird coincidences in there.
Qincidence, you say?
You should see the prices on eBay
Check the date. They say the plan is proceeding well in 2012. http://www.thetruthdenied.com/news/2012/12/14/deep-underground-military-base-d-u-m-b/
I heard 2012 was the year project Looking Glass realize they couldn't stop the Great Awakening no matter what they tried
Well, I like to find the roots of things. I found that article while looking for the origin of this belief that there are a lot of structures 10 km deep. (Not doubting underground hideouts, just 10 km) It is very much the same story going around now, 9 years later, I imagine that it started earlier. 1997? That would have been 15 years before. Even 24 years doesn't seem long enough to overthrow the established world power structure, although it is a very long time for any group to do something so ambitious and keep it so secret.
Yes I saw a video where a man was being interviewed and he kept saying that no matter what they did the future kept coming to the same conclusion. Was that guy ‘Mike’ or something like that? It seems to me he has his own podcast or something on YouTube. Can anyone help with that video, a link perhaps...?
I saw that but can’t recall where.
2nd American revolution. Yes this has been brewing
Thanks for that link.That is incredible that a lot of that stuff appears to be happening now. BOY! Did we all get walked up the garden path by Cabal/DS!
Link below to an archive picture of the February 1997 cover (article above issue.
Follow these instructions:
In the right hand bottom corner click once on the + magnifying glass icon to zoom in.
Cursor on image, left click hold, and drag image to the left until you are looking at the very bottom right hand side of the image. Bar code on cover should be in the very bottom right hand corner.
Note the white line running through the word FUTURE... follow it to the right until it ends in a slight spear point.
Click one more time on the + magnifying glass icon and zoom in, and move the image as before until it is once again moved all the way down and all the way to the right.
Focus a stare at the area where the white line ends... an image of JFK should pop out. The area to the immediate right of the end of the top bar of the E is JFK's forehead, hair above, eyes below... image should be clear now.
Dude, what.
Its how they trolled each other back in the day... hidden images on magazine covers.
See this article and examples of hidden images of the Playboy rabbit logo on its magazine covers.
Examples of Trump Trick Trolls are common as well:
Certified schizoid right here.
Trump Trick Trolls
: )
Damnit I can’t see it!!! I’ve tried but to no avail.
I think this is the original image they modeled the "ghosted" image from. View the magazine cover on one tab... open up another tab with a second GA.win site, go to the post again and then to this comment with link below. Toggle between the two images and see if the JFK image profiled in rocky surface pops out.
Relax... don't strain. A slight squint, or, closing one eye may help. Try different magnifications.
In the meantime... see if you can decode this image...
and this magazine cover:
Remember how Melania was never featured on any magazine cover, let alone a fashion magazine, while First Lady.
https://youtu.be/n1tXlpRq-jY?t=42 (2 seconds)
I got nothing. Apparently not very good at this game. Please share location and what is imaged in each of the links you sent....
This is not a game.
https://youtu.be/HDtMMsFoHuY (48 min)
Does this mean we can start talking about posts like 1082 and 3555 and the trump tesla connection and time travel absolutely being a real science.
Wet blankets, all of them. Can't even have a speculative thought.
Any part of the Awakening process should be left unrestricted.
“hurr this belongs in otherforum.win” = "We don't like what you are posting here because it's waking people up." It's a Reddit-fag thing to do because it's the same exact shills that try to do it here. They lose their minds about it because they can't just insta-ban people here like they do on Reddit, since they run Reddit. Losing their minds is the only way they know how to act.
Look, just don't start with flat earth stuff and I don't really care
Must people think that the thing in the sky of that specific magazine is a 'ufo' ... its not.
It's a hole in the sky fwiw.. hint hint
"our children deserve a better one and Bill is building a brighter one" Brighter could be an atomic bomb blast which is clearly not better. At the time he had to sound like he was positive on Clinton
Yes. All new anons should dive down that 9/11 hole ?
Last line on page two ? President Trump used that song at his rallies.
Can you provide any details? I'm sure the opposing sides have been around quite a bit longer than 1997.
No. Just dug into it a few years back. Think its very telling about whats going down. Hold the line fren.
THIS gives me continued trust in the plan!
What page is "the plan" info on?