BLOOM: "You...are our only hope. The America you know doesn't exist in our future. Democracy is dead. We have no voice. The Regime watches our every move."
PERRY: "It started when voter suppression ran wild all over America. The voting rights bills died in the Senate. Polling places closed. We lost our right to vote."
BLOOM: "This future doesn't have to be. You have the power to change it. Save democracy while you can."
PERRY: "Call your senator now!"
BLOOM: "Tell Daisy we love her."
Polling places did closed early, they (the left) are TRYING to suppress the vote, now. We are literally trying to save our election integrity through Arizona. They are saying “change it now”, which is what we are trying to do.
They want mail in ballots for all for any reason what so ever ... that is what these degenerates in this political propaganda piece are promoting. Anything less than anyone voting at any time any way they can is now called "voter suppression".
Yeh but this ad isn’t advocating for the kind of voting laws you’re thinking... the kind that stem from an audit that proves fraud. This ad is propaganda for the left who continues to claim that conservatives are trying to oppress the vote. They hope that people who see this won’t do their own research but rather, take what perry and bloom are saying at face value. The left are masters at turning things around to fit their narrative either by taking things out of context or flat out lying. The whole point was to make people believe their public service announcement is to serve a greater good. It’s not.
Yep, that’s what I get for thinking outside the box for once…totally did not read it that way. I was thinking voter fraud is voter suppression, not the voter suppression the left is spewing.
Ok…I guess I am looking at it differently.
EXCERPT: BLOOM: "You...are our only hope. The America you know doesn't exist in our future. Democracy is dead. We have no voice. The Regime watches our every move." PERRY: "It started when voter suppression ran wild all over America. The voting rights bills died in the Senate. Polling places closed. We lost our right to vote." BLOOM: "This future doesn't have to be. You have the power to change it. Save democracy while you can." PERRY: "Call your senator now!"
BLOOM: "Tell Daisy we love her."
Polling places did closed early, they (the left) are TRYING to suppress the vote, now. We are literally trying to save our election integrity through Arizona. They are saying “change it now”, which is what we are trying to do.
They want mail in ballots for all for any reason what so ever ... that is what these degenerates in this political propaganda piece are promoting. Anything less than anyone voting at any time any way they can is now called "voter suppression".
Gotcha, that was the only word that “suppressed” the whole video…lol
The give away:
A Constitutional Republic does have some democratic features, but not intended to be this way since the Amendment that changed the fabric completely:
Why is it, that the more you get to this time, the quality of amendments drops.
Yeh but this ad isn’t advocating for the kind of voting laws you’re thinking... the kind that stem from an audit that proves fraud. This ad is propaganda for the left who continues to claim that conservatives are trying to oppress the vote. They hope that people who see this won’t do their own research but rather, take what perry and bloom are saying at face value. The left are masters at turning things around to fit their narrative either by taking things out of context or flat out lying. The whole point was to make people believe their public service announcement is to serve a greater good. It’s not.
Yep, that’s what I get for thinking outside the box for once…totally did not read it that way. I was thinking voter fraud is voter suppression, not the voter suppression the left is spewing.