How do we know this is LDR and not just someone? I have a hard time understanding how the 4chan boards work, anyone care to explain the basics to a Fren?
4chan uses an 'id' based on ip addresses so you can tell which posts are from the same person. The posts from 'ID: 78d855' are all from the same person, that ppl think is LdR, but you're right it could be anyone LARPing.
No one knows, Chans are anonymous, could have just been a little play for the board watchers. But then again it seems someone thought they traced a location. All verifications of Q are mostly from things like this where things are alluded to on boards, then real life happenings coincided. They took the Helicopter and Plane crash as confirmation.
How do we know this is LDR and not just someone? I have a hard time understanding how the 4chan boards work, anyone care to explain the basics to a Fren?
4chan uses an 'id' based on ip addresses so you can tell which posts are from the same person. The posts from 'ID: 78d855' are all from the same person, that ppl think is LdR, but you're right it could be anyone LARPing.
Well Q answered them, so I don't think it's a larper. Interesting to see this post I missed a lot not being a part of this back in the day.
But I had the Salty Cracker keeping me going.
So who is the supposed person who "found her" with the 3rd ID in the conversation? I do have a hard time believing a Rothschild would get on 4Chan
probably just an anon pointing out that it's her, or at least someone Larping as her.
Its either her? Or its not? Great insight fren
I'm new to this part too.
No one knows, Chans are anonymous, could have just been a little play for the board watchers. But then again it seems someone thought they traced a location. All verifications of Q are mostly from things like this where things are alluded to on boards, then real life happenings coincided. They took the Helicopter and Plane crash as confirmation.
Q would know.