posted ago by Godspeedpatriotsx ago by Godspeedpatriotsx +43 / -1

Hmmmm everyone very cross, UK tea and biscuits put down in disgust, Big Brother is at it again ...

Boris the Potato in the Wig is now testing an emergency broadcast system to all mobile phones. Sounds a loud alarm and everyone will be shocked into reading it. People not happy, what can possibly necessitate this? Why can't we read it later why an Emergency Broadcast system???

My fellow Pedes, patriots united?? are you thinking what I am thinking??? I / we may have some raised eyebrows. We may have to keep a close tab on this little nugget of habbening. Testing a nationwide emergency broadcast system eh???? Why wouldn't they just continue to use MSM??? UNLESS .... they can't??? I need to remain calm ....

Fellow warriors for the cause - our leaders of the night have just sucked on each others teats at the G7. Its clown world and getting worse.... keep an eye out your side too. What happens here happens with you also ....

Any thoughts ???? ....
