The project incorporates research from German, Swedish, Finnish and UK Defence specialists to understand how emerging technologies such as genetic engineering, bioinformatics and the possibility of brain-computer interfaces could affect the future of society, security and Defence. The ethical, moral and legal challenges are complex and must be thoroughly considered, but HA could signal the coming of a new era of strategic advantage with possible implications across the force development spectrum.
This isn’t a fringe source friends. This stuff is happening.
It is based on combining current knowledge and wisdom from subject matter experts with assessments of potential progress in technologies 30 years out supporting deliberations and deductions for future humans and society.
Everyone should read the 5 Dr. Neruda interviews on Wingmakers materials.... particularly interview 5 which was delayed for release 10 years. In interview 5 he described the inflection point we are building to where the human race will have to make the decision for a race of transhumanism or biological human.
I stongly recommend reading all 5. It is mind-blowing but now, with all that is happening, you will see many fits connecting that you likely didn't even know was there.
The project incorporates research from German, Swedish, Finnish and UK Defence specialists to understand how emerging technologies such as genetic engineering, bioinformatics and the possibility of brain-computer interfaces could affect the future of society, security and Defence. The ethical, moral and legal challenges are complex and must be thoroughly considered, but HA could signal the coming of a new era of strategic advantage with possible implications across the force development spectrum.
This isn’t a fringe source friends. This stuff is happening.
It is based on combining current knowledge and wisdom from subject matter experts with assessments of potential progress in technologies 30 years out supporting deliberations and deductions for future humans and society.
God has warned us about this over and over again.
No thanks.
Everyone should read the 5 Dr. Neruda interviews on Wingmakers materials.... particularly interview 5 which was delayed for release 10 years. In interview 5 he described the inflection point we are building to where the human race will have to make the decision for a race of transhumanism or biological human.
I stongly recommend reading all 5. It is mind-blowing but now, with all that is happening, you will see many fits connecting that you likely didn't even know was there.
This is an archive of all 5 Interviews.
The sleep of reason breeds monsters
Yikes, that's not a good start.
We never asked for this.
We never asked for any of the bullshite happening in the world. But that hasn't stopped [them], has it?
Jensen entered the chat.