Everyone should read the 5 Dr. Neruda interviews on Wingmakers materials.... particularly interview 5 which was delayed for release 10 years. In interview 5 he described the inflection point we are building to where the human race will have to make the decision for a race of transhumanism or biological human.
I stongly recommend reading all 5. It is mind-blowing but now, with all that is happening, you will see many fits connecting that you likely didn't even know was there.
Everyone should read the 5 Dr. Neruda interviews on Wingmakers materials.... particularly interview 5 which was delayed for release 10 years. In interview 5 he described the inflection point we are building to where the human race will have to make the decision for a race of transhumanism or biological human.
I stongly recommend reading all 5. It is mind-blowing but now, with all that is happening, you will see many fits connecting that you likely didn't even know was there.
This is an archive of all 5 Interviews.