Leftists are actually a relatively small minority of the population as a whole. The DS MSM portrays them as the majority [think mirror] in their never-ending propaganda.
Many leftists believe that they got away with the stolen election, and that rigged elections guarantee they will remain in power indefinitely going forward. Therefore, they no longer feel the need to hide their true intentions and actions any longer.
They have overreached, and their actions are waking up a lot of the sheeple (at long last) at the local, grassroots level. This is precisely what we need to truly take back our country and start repairing all the damage the DS has done over the past decades.
It all starts at the local level, then the county, and then the state... which is how it was intended to work in our constitution. No more top-down command and control from the federal government... Devolution.
So the school board declares the meeting an "unlawful assembly" after they invite public comment? Who gave them that right? And, do the police there work for the school board or for the taxpayers on the county? Seems to me the school board members will soon be looking for something else to do and maybe the police?
People who have the ability to homeschool their children should because schools get paid for "asses in seats". No kid at the desk, no money - this was told to me by a school official and it's why they get so upset if a child is absent.
If our children were not grown, I'd talk to friends and see about team teaching. My strengths are English, Science, and History. Someone strong in Math could teach a group of children that subject. Could even have the "school" travel to 2-3 houses a week so that the burden would not fall on just 1 person.
We did have a group when our daughter was small. Each Mom or Dad would teach their own child(ren) at home but we would get them together at the park and/or take field trips. I was amazed that a day's worth of classes only took a couple of hours per day.
Thinking seriously about doing this with our grandchildren if they move to our town. I could start with our eldest - he's 8 yrs old and going to 2nd grade. Praying they move here. I could see them all the time and homeschool too!
I love seeing these parents standing up. This is how we accomplish what is right. We take out the bottom and the military takes out the top , then we meet in the middle for a new Independence day! ??
This is excellent.
Leftists are actually a relatively small minority of the population as a whole. The DS MSM portrays them as the majority [think mirror] in their never-ending propaganda.
Many leftists believe that they got away with the stolen election, and that rigged elections guarantee they will remain in power indefinitely going forward. Therefore, they no longer feel the need to hide their true intentions and actions any longer.
They have overreached, and their actions are waking up a lot of the sheeple (at long last) at the local, grassroots level. This is precisely what we need to truly take back our country and start repairing all the damage the DS has done over the past decades.
It all starts at the local level, then the county, and then the state... which is how it was intended to work in our constitution. No more top-down command and control from the federal government... Devolution.
Let’s just start calling them the deep state media. It clarifies things, and they are NOT mainstream.
Thank god we (blacks) are finally starting to wake up and shed the Marxist muh white people oppressing us brainwashing.
Keep it up deep state, your critical race theory garbage is backfiring so hard.
This is just the beginning, what happens when the people are united?
So the school board declares the meeting an "unlawful assembly" after they invite public comment? Who gave them that right? And, do the police there work for the school board or for the taxpayers on the county? Seems to me the school board members will soon be looking for something else to do and maybe the police?
I would be proud to call this lady "Mother"....
Hit the education system were it hurts in the pockets; I don't know why we feel hopeless we were taught that what our support is shown by our dollar!
People who have the ability to homeschool their children should because schools get paid for "asses in seats". No kid at the desk, no money - this was told to me by a school official and it's why they get so upset if a child is absent.
If our children were not grown, I'd talk to friends and see about team teaching. My strengths are English, Science, and History. Someone strong in Math could teach a group of children that subject. Could even have the "school" travel to 2-3 houses a week so that the burden would not fall on just 1 person.
We did have a group when our daughter was small. Each Mom or Dad would teach their own child(ren) at home but we would get them together at the park and/or take field trips. I was amazed that a day's worth of classes only took a couple of hours per day.
Thinking seriously about doing this with our grandchildren if they move to our town. I could start with our eldest - he's 8 yrs old and going to 2nd grade. Praying they move here. I could see them all the time and homeschool too!
Couldn't find the video. Where is it?
Thank you!
I love seeing these parents standing up. This is how we accomplish what is right. We take out the bottom and the military takes out the top , then we meet in the middle for a new Independence day! ??
I called them Main Swamp Media.
Don't mess with a mom!
Fucking A. Bout time.
What is it, 50,000 kids go missing annually in the surrounding D.C. Communities. That should tell us something.
The devil —(now working thru liberals and their agendas) always(!) overplays his hand!
Paid actors!