Our Government has been taken over in a Coup and the WILL OF THE PEOPLE has been destroyed.
There is no longer any doubt that WE ARE ALL SLAVES until the Crime of the Century is REVERSED and the Traitors are HANGED!
Our Government has been taken over in a Coup and the WILL OF THE PEOPLE has been destroyed.
There is no longer any doubt that WE ARE ALL SLAVES until the Crime of the Century is REVERSED and the Traitors are HANGED!
The labor shortage is finishing off small businesses. When they are gone and the cabal cuts off the bennies you will see people wishing they had gone back to work when they had the chance.
Something to think about... for some, going back to work may put them in harm's way. The wokie vaxxed are transmitting something. If you are in a job that puts you in contact, especially physical contact, with people that have drank the Koolaid and taken the kill shot, being around them could potentially cause you to take up whatever they are throwing off. People are being harmed by transmission. Some may not want to take that risk and have weighed their own options.
As a health care clinician and I have weighed my options and have decided to stay clear. The situation has forced me to reevaluate my priorities and get by on far less. Besides being surrounded by the woke and hypnotized, in a clinical situation I am unwilling to participate in not only harming myself, but being responsible for harming others. By myself, I am outnumbered and can do little to turn the tide. I do not see the momentum within health care changing anytime soon and they will be doubling down on their efforts. Short of a major crisis, I do not see them snapping out of their hypnotic state of wokeism. Our modern health care system is not about healing but is a profit driven industry that advances itself upon the suffering of others. I have decided to step back and ride this out until I can get a better survey of what is happening.
The die has been cast and this economy is going down. There is no stopping what is coming and everyone needs to do what they can to survive this bioweapon and the economic crash. I understand that small business owners are taking it in the shorts because of the labor shortage, but there is a whole lot more going on here than simply a lack of labor and people collecting benefits.