How many old people really can't figure out how to watch a stream? My great-uncle bought his first computer at 70 at was selling antiques on eBay after a week.
you're right! I purchased my older aunts and uncles an Amazon Fire tablet on Prime Day for only $45/each. Installed RSBN and some other things on there and showed them how to use it so that they can watch the real news!
Many older Trump supporters didn’t know or had no way of watching the rally also.
How many old people really can't figure out how to watch a stream? My great-uncle bought his first computer at 70 at was selling antiques on eBay after a week.
Us grandkids need to step up here and help our elder patriots out!
you're right! I purchased my older aunts and uncles an Amazon Fire tablet on Prime Day for only $45/each. Installed RSBN and some other things on there and showed them how to use it so that they can watch the real news!