posted ago by formerdemfortrump ago by formerdemfortrump +15 / -0


Long but very good documentary.

Provides solid reasons to doubt that the Twin Towers of the WTC would fall in the precipitous fashion they did, at close to free fall speeds, without additional help beyond the two planes (= the official story that heat from jet fuel melted/severely weakened steel beams). Building 7, Tower 1, and Tower 2 all fall into their own imprint (like they would in a controlled demolition). Puts together the best engineering/architectural analysis I've seen so far.

Also, the Israeli connections to September 11th attacks are astounding. I was not aware of much of this information until recently.

That part begins at 11:10:36. The Dancing Israelis:

Why were five Israelis arrested in Hoboken, New Jersey on 9/11? Why were they dancing? Why were they quietly sent back to Israel 44 days after their arrests?

The next section covers Bibi Netanyahu and some eyebrow raising statements he made regarding 9/11. starts at: 12:26:05

We should be skeptical of Bibi Netanyahu. It's probably a good thing that he is now out of power.

The September 11th attacks accomplished many goals of the Deep State:

The 9/11 false flag provided the justification (=excuse) Poppy Bush and his stooge of a son (W) needed to implement a police state in the United States. (The "Partiot" Act)

The September 11th attacks benefitted the Israeli deep state in dragging the US into middle eastern conflicts. Why is the US doing Israel's dirty work? Why are we sending our young men to die in the middle east to advance Israel's interests?

We must be watchful in our dealings with Israel. Just as Radical Islam is a problem, Extremist Zionism is also a problem.

What is the evidence connecting Osama Bin-Laden to the September 11th attacks? Important to also look into the CIA-Al Qaeda connection (not covered extensively in this video if I'm remembering correctly.) This is an area I am in need of further research.

Radical Islamic terrorism is certainly a problem. Just look at what's happening in France and Germany currently. But it is also used as a cover. It's important we keep this in mind. Sometimes attacks that we blame on "radical Islam" are a cover for false flags that are committed to advance the agenda of Radical Zionism. These false flags also are committed by American deep state traitors to coax American citizens into giving up their constitutional rights.

If the constitution didn't matter, they wouldn't need false flags like 9/11. We must cherish the constitution.

I hope the families of the victims of 9/11 one day see justice.