posted ago by raver9876 ago by raver9876 +12 / -2

Neil deGrasse Tyson seems to just ignore the idea of panspermia and probably is completely rejecting the theory of directed panspermia.

Panspermia is the idea that DNA didn’t just poof into existence on earth, instead many scientists theorize that DNA arrived on earth, perhaps on an astroid or comet.

Who put the theory out initially? Just one of the two people who discovered DNA, Francis Crick. After understanding the complexity of DNA, Crick felt that DNA must’ve been seeded here on earth by a greater intelligence.

Therefore, DNA might be the universal foundation for life. Universal as in, every life form in the galaxy is based on similar DNA. Therefore life forms from around the universe would end up resembling each other as they all evolved on similar planets that could host life (planets with moderate gravity, moderate temperatures, gaseous atmospheres, carbon and water).

One of the problems with the idea that DNA came into existence on earth is the “membrane-DNA anomaly”. “What is that?”, you ask.

DNA cannot function correctly unless it is surrounded by a protective cellular membrane. However, cellular membranes are generated by DNA instructions residing within the DNA. So how was the first membrane generated, if it’s generation required properly functioning DNA? This anomaly is much more difficult to overcome than the chicken-egg anomaly.

There are some theories but there are no experiments that demonstrate exactly how DNA could spontaneously generate complex membrane structures that assist it in functioning correctly.

Finally, besides the “life began on earth by accident“ theory and the Panspermia theory there is one more possible explanation for the universality of DNA based life. That would be the existence of some kind of universe wide “information field” unaffected by distance. This information field would communicate the instructions for building DNA across the entire universe to any planet capable of hosting life. Most scientists don’t like this theory because it sounds like “God created Life” teachings from most religions.

How did most religions get this idea? Well, if that information field does exist, perhaps it communicates spiritual ideas to living beings. This is what “God consciousness” is.

Yes Neil, someday science will prove that God exists. Thanks for playing dumb-ass.