10 days ago anons were saying to expect a deepstater to be announced dead because of dog coms.
Today Rumsfeld
More and more, Hitler seems like the good guy in WWII.
More and more, Hitler seems like the useful puppet in history.
Was the NAZI party ever truly destroyed (eradicated)?
Did the belief carry-on [re-deployed]?
Background of Soros?
Soros was a helper when he was 14. It's hard to say how "active" he was in the party.
As Hitler himself stated, the "socialist" in his party's name was not the same as the Jewish socialism (communism). His party was for individual rights and ownership of the means of production. That's why he was hated so and why Churchill said that there had to be a war and Germany had to be destroyed.
BTW, I've read that Hitler hated the word Nazi. It was a slur by others and was similar to a word that loosely translates to "nutsy," which is what some comedians here called it.
Exact quote from Hitler, "We are socialists. We are enemies of the capitalist economic system."
I’ve heard this too. I don’t think Q was implying Soros was running the gas chambers.
But how “active” in world politics and meddling has Soros been since then?
Compare the photos and logos of ANTIFA to the Nazi tactics?
By being responsible for millions of deaths? I think you’ve gone off the deep end
oven math ?
That "6,000,000 died" is simply BS. The total Jewish population in Europe in the 1930s was less than 6,000,000. They had been pushing that exact figure ever since the late 1800s. It's in the newspapers, including the New York Times. The Jews that were sent to camps were used as workers in factories and farms because all the German men were in the military. Of course, there were deaths from malnutrition and disease, but only thousands, not millions. Also, the cremation ovens were limited in how many bodies could be processed in a day. If they were cremating that many people, they would still be working on it. Aerial photographs taken by the US prove that Auschwitz wasn't burning bodies in open pits either. There is very little physical evidence, and much of the "testimony" is provably false. For example, the stories about human skin lampshades. Existing samples were tested and found to not be human. Enough documentation remains to show that the "millions of deaths" is impossible.
Yeah well even if it wasn’t 6M people (which I’m not saying I agree with you) but hitler still did crimes against humanity, was a racist murderer, put people in work camps, etc... it makes him far from a “good guy”. Even 1 dead makes him not a “good guy”. We don’t defend Nazis here.
He was only "racist" against the people who were trying to destroy Germany, because they happened to belong to a self-identified group of white people who falsely claimed to be semitic. Most of the people in the country of Israel have no trace of semitic DNA. Hitler put some of the Jews in work camps. We have done the same with prisoners here, both legal prisoners and war prisoners.
It's all part of the NWO crap that we're still trying to fight.
Millions of Europeans died because of Hitler.
If you don't care about Europeans, or if their deaths are acceptable to you, then you are not welcome here. Go spread your anti-European hate someplace else.
To celebrate the letter "J" the cookie monster wants to bake 6 million big letters "J" cookies in 39 months, and he has 49 ovens located at 15 bakeries. If it take 120 minutes to bake a big letter "J" cookie how will cookie monster possibly be able to meet his target?
Millions of Europeans died because of Hitler. Their deaths were used by globalist puppets as an excuse for mass immigration into Europe to replace those killed in the war.
As with all socialists, Hitler was evil.
he was
This is not the way, but I shall respect your right to an opinion.
The ends and means can, And should, both be justified. Hitler was not capable of either.